The login form is a mode to get into the website by entering your unique ID and password. Many WordPress themes provide their own login form with a simple structure. But if you desire to add some extra field as per your business need then you will need the assistance of WordPress custom login plugins. As it helps you to create a login form in your style.
Custom login plugins offer you the most essential customization feature to add image, background image, change the color combination, add a logo for unique identification, reCaptcha for security purpose and many more. This strategy will upgrade the user experience and interest.
Some of the best free WordPress custom login plugins are mentioned below
Custom Login Page Customizer
The name states that user can create a login form or page very easily using customizer feature.
This plugin is a multi-purpose login form for WordPress users only.
This plugin provides all the standards customizing features free of charge. Features like background image, form styling, field styling, button styling, background image, background color and many more. But reCaptcha is only supported in the paid version to maintain the security level.
Customize Login Image
Customize Login Image permits you to upload the logo of your company, URL structure, change the background color, and custom CSS, and the most important it allows you to add an image to the login form as per your decision.
This plugin is translation ready so that the user can translate the website in different languages. It mainly supports English and Spanish language. This plugin contributes to change the user login experience.
Custom Login
Custom Login is a straightforward and easiest way to customize the login page. Their are lots of blessings given by WordPress custom login plugins. When you make the changes to the login page as well as upgraded the plugin the changes your made previous will not get changes.
This plugin is widely used to refine the structure of freelancers’ website design form. More than 20,000 have active installations till now.
Login Page Styler
This plugin authorizes you to create a login form or a login page to the same look and feel of your website. You can change the look of the admin login, client login, forget the password, and the look of the registration page in just a minute. Without writing code.
Login page styler provides countless upgraded CSS customizing features but in the paid version. If your main focus is not about designing the login form, then you can select the Login Page styler to move forward.
This plugin is coherent with other plugins like BuddyPress, Limit Login Attempts, and bbPress.
With the help of LoginPress plugin one can change the complete look of each login page, registration page, even can change a look of error messaged showed for registration, hint message, a password is forgotten, etc.
LoginPress plugin performs excellent as it gives you an instant preview option. Not only you can make changes to logo and color but also you can change the text in all pages. You can add your own innovative ideas to explore more about the design structure.
Login With Ajax
This plugin has been coded with the Ajax query that will send data to the server and will show the error message directly on the screen without refreshing the page. This process helps to reduce the user’s time and efforts.
By login With Ajax plugin, Login form can be added in 3 ways add form by using shortcodes, by using widgets, and by using template tag you can insert the login form.
Erident Custom Login and Dashboard
Erident Custom Login and Dashboard is a complete freebie package to make a login form more appealing to reinforce the user practice. This plugin has top rates among the all. You also don’t need to purchase any paid login form plugin while using this one.
Pie Registe
Pie Registe is very easy and free to use. Once you install this plugin to your WordPress site you will have the full access to WordPress dashboard. You can pick any tool to customize the login form and login page.
Also, it provides Google Analytics support for security purposes.
Absolutely Glamorous Custom Admin
Absolutely Glamorous Custom Admin meets all the requirements and the features that login form involve. Hence, the plugin guides you to customize admin panel, admin, bar, admin menu, and login page.
Erident Custom Login and Dashboard
This plugin is highly customizable that never ever restricts you to perform changes on the login page. It shows up the marvelous features from color changing, styling, changing the shadows, background image, button colors, to the enable and disable the specific link on your login page feature.
Customize Login Page
Customize the login page plugin is very simple and easy to use as it provides limited features. You can only change the logo, background and your website theme. This plugin is suitable for a small based business that doesn’t want to mess many things on a simple website.
Custom Login Page Customizer by Colorlib
This plugin assists you to change the default structure of your WordPress login page. You can create your own design structure using this plugin. Full documentation has been provided at free cost.
The post 12+ Best Free WordPress Custom Login Plugins 2021 appeared first on SKT Themes.