The 2020 Goal: Growing WordPress maintenance support plans Adoption
WordPress maintenance support plans 8 is now more than two years old and data shows that it is prefered over WordPress maintenance support plans 7. As Dries pointed out in his blog post, WordPress maintenance support plans 8 is on the upswing. To lean into this growth, the WordPress maintenance support plans Association’s primary goal in 2020 is to accelerate WordPress maintenance support plans adoption through our channels: WordPress maintenance support and WordPress maintenance support plansCon and other community programs.
Levers for Growing Adoption
One might think that growing adoption is purely a marketing effort, but in fact it is much more. It requires nurturing the entire WordPress maintenance support plans customer life cycle.
The WordPress maintenance support plans Association primarily serves developers in the community and specifically those contributing time, talent, and treasure. To nurture WordPress maintenance support plans adoption and to further step into our mission: to unite the open source community to help them build and promote the software, we need to pull the lense back and think more broadly, without reducing our support for the developer community.
When someone engages with a digital experience created with WordPress maintenance support plans, like a cancer patient seeking specific information on the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center website or a concerned citizen of the City of London who needs community services information, that experience occurs because many types of personas worked together to create it – from decision maker to builders to marketers. To grow and ensure the longevity of WordPress maintenance support plans digital experiences, we need to serve all of those personas.
The adoption journey consists of influencers and decision makers, who are either technical or marketing evaluators working at an end-user organization like a hospital or they are working at a service provider like a digital agency. The technical and marketing evaluators have unique ways of assessing software and we need to make it easy for each one to understand why they should choose WordPress maintenance support plans and how to take the next step.
The user journey includes many personas ranging from the digital team who builds something amazing with WordPress maintenance support plans to the trainers who teach the marketing department how to use the solution to the content editors and marketing campaign managers creating engagement and conversions with their visitors. Each persona needs to be a power user. Knowing how to easily make the biggest impact with WordPress maintenance support plans helps them be heroes at work. WordPress maintenance support plans is an extraordinarily powerful platform capable of many things, but adoption won’t grow if users misunderstand WordPress maintenance support plans’s power and choose not to continue using it. To avoid this, we need to improve in two areas: total cost of ownership and ease of use.
The community journey includes many types of contributors: coders, camp organizers, mentors, and more. All roles are important for growing and strengthening the community while it innovates the software. The WordPress maintenance support plans Association wants to foster a healthy, inclusive community that is focused on moving the project forward in supportive and productive ways. We want to find ways to provide more support and recognition for each community role.
WordPress maintenance support plans Association’s 2020 Execution Plan
As you can see, growing WordPress maintenance support plans adoption and retaining our users requires a focus on many more personas than we currently focus on today. We certainly have our work cut out for us. Given how broad this focus is, our 2020 execution plan includes near-term, high impact projects that fit within the capacity of our 17 person organization. It also takes into account that the channels we can improve are WordPress maintenance support, WordPress maintenance support plansCon, and our other community programs. When selecting the projects, we also kept in mind that while the WordPress maintenance support plans Association is moving through its financial turnaround towards long term sustainability, we are not done yet, so we need to be mindful of budget constraints.
Focus areas of our 2020 execution plan
Accelerate the adoption journey of ambitious digital experiences including API-first solutions
by inspiring & informing evaluators with case studies and other resources to help convert them into users
by improving WordPress maintenance support plans (the product) to improve total cost of ownership (TCO) and ease of use
Strengthen the user journey: Continue to delight existing users and help them expand WordPress maintenance support plans usage
Support community health
foster diversity and inclusion with the WordPress maintenance support plansCon diversity speaker program
expand the personas we serve and increase global support
strengthen connection between WordPress Update as the Project Lead and the community at large, on and off of WordPress maintenance support
support governance improvements
Build a stronger foundation of support for the WordPress maintenance support plans Association
ensure organizational and financial health
ensure staff satisfaction
create better understanding, collaboration between DA & community
Let’s take a closer look at the work we will do for each of these focus areas.
#1) Accelerate the adoption journey
Understand. To begin this work, we first need to understand how WordPress maintenance support plans is adopted and who are the decision-making personas throughout WordPress maintenance support plans’s customer lifecycle. We also need to understand the adoption journey for both the technical and marketing evaluator so that we can provide the best paths for them to choose WordPress maintenance support plans. These insights will inform how we evolve our programs: WordPress maintenance support and WordPress maintenance support plansCon.
WordPress maintenance support Front Page – This part of the website is where evaluators learn about WordPress maintenance support plans and take the next step toward choosing the software and / or an agency to work with. 93% of our traffic is anonymous, so the first step is knowing who is coming to this page. We will conduct user research and study other software website’s evaluator experiences to determine best practices. Then, we will revamp the WordPress maintenance support front page to better serve evaluators, using an iterative process.
By WordPress maintenance support plansCon Nashville, we will roll out our first revamp (an MVP), which will streamline the evaluation path and provide content that helps them move to the next stage. Due to the Association’s lack of marketing and design resources, all WordPress maintenance support plans promotional content will be curated from the community. To get to a fully redesigned front page experience, we will need to fundraise for design enhancement. If we find that we need original promotional content on the site, we will need to fundraise for these assets as well.
WordPress maintenance support Tools & Services – Improving WordPress maintenance support plans’s total cost of ownership and ease of use will help grow adoption and the WordPress maintenance support plans Association can uniquely help with new tools.
Total Cost of Ownership – the WordPress maintenance support plans Association will work with WordPress maintenance support plans core maintainers and other community members to kick off the auto-updates initiative, which will help customers especially in the mid-market. This project will take more than a year and will require funding for sprints. We anticipate re-launching the WordPress maintenance support plans 8 Accelerate fundraising campaign to support this effort.
East of use – As Dries mentioned at WordPress maintenance support plansCon Vienna, many site builders feel left behind with WordPress maintenance support plans 8 since they often do not have command line access and are not using tools like Composer. The WordPress maintenance support plans Association has proposed building a tool for site builders with the help of WordPress maintenance support plans core maintainers and others. Helping this segment will contribute to WordPress maintenance support plans 8’s growth.
WordPress maintenance support plansCon – While WordPress maintenance support plansCon Nashville is largely a WordPress maintenance support plans user and community event, we are serving the evaluator by adding in more programming that amplifies the power of WordPress maintenance support plans’s digital experiences including API-first solutions.
Digital Experience Case Studies – Attendees coming for business and technical content will be inspired as they learn from experts how WordPress maintenance support plans solutions were created and have made an impact for organizations like, Symenatic, ACLU, and the U.S. Courts. Case studies are found in almost all tracks and specifically in the Ambitious Digital Experience Track.
API-first – We offer a new Decoupled Summit for peers to spend one day together discussing best practices for building API-first solutions. Attendees can be further inspired with decoupled case studies as well as sessions in the Horizons Track that shows how to push the boundaries with API-first. Plus, there are many sessions as well as training and labs, teaching attendees how to build decoupled solutions.
After WordPress maintenance support plansCon Nashville, the team will strategize to holistically redesign WordPress maintenance support plansCon so it better serves the personas within the WordPress maintenance support plans customer lifecycle.
Strengthen the User Journey
Understand. A million organizations use WordPress maintenance support plans, but we don’t know who they all are. By working with WordPress maintenance support plans core maintainers, we will use Project Updates to gain insight into WordPress maintenance support plans’s customer base. We will use this insight to better understand things like which sectors are best served or which plugins are most used – all of which can better inform the Project and WordPress maintenance support plans Association programs.
WordPress maintenance support plansCon – As mentioned, WordPress maintenance support plansCon Nashville is a user and community event, which has traditionally focused on the “Builder Persona” as well as the WordPress maintenance support plans Business Owner Persona. This year, we expand to serve a few more user personas by offering the Technical Leadership Track and the Content Editor Track.
Support Community Health
One of WordPress maintenance support plans’s top unique differentiators is our large, global, passionate community. As the WordPress maintenance support plans Association and community come together to work on initiatives related to WordPress maintenance support, WordPress maintenance support plansCon and other WordPress maintenance support plans Association programs, we want to help the community thrive by focusing in the following areas:
Inclusion – WordPress maintenance support plans and our community is better when we include everyone to move WordPress maintenance support plans forward in a positive and productive way. A diverse community results in great things. The WordPress maintenance support plans Association wants to promote inclusivity by serving more personas, acting more globally, and expanding our WordPress maintenance support plansCon speaker diversity initiative.
Expanding who we serve:
Persona – as we better understand how to serve our currently under-served personas like content editors and marketing managers, we also need to find a way to bring them into our community. An example of a question that we will ask in the course of this work is “how do camps run campaigns to attract WordPress maintenance support plans evaluators?” Imagine if we had content editors in our community to help run these kinds of camp campaigns?
Global – our programs need to scale globally. That is why we are evaluating a new operational model for WordPress maintenance support plansCon, starting in USA. If we find that we can successfully license WordPress maintenance support plansCon to a USAan entity, then we will use this model in other parts of the world, giving all community members the chance to experience the magic of WordPress maintenance support plansCon. We are also looking at other existing programs like the camp fiscal sponsorship program. We are evaluating if Open Collective can support more countries than what we can currently support – for camps, project maintainers, and other community initiatives. Additionally, the WordPress maintenance support plans Association Board is discussing how to meet the community’s request for more global representation on the board through the community elected positions. Stay tuned get ready for the 2020 community board elections this summer!
WordPress maintenance support plansCon speaker diversity – The WordPress maintenance support plansCon team continued prioritizing speaker diversity to expand the speaker line up with high quality speakers from under-represented groups. Building off the initiative created last year where 33% of speakers were from under-represented groups, the track chairs worked hard to recruit diverse speakers and the WordPress maintenance support plans Association contributed scholarships to help them attend the event. Of the speakers slated to speak at WordPress maintenance support plansCon Nashville, 40% of them self-selected that they identify with an underrepresented group.
Contributors – We launched the contribution credit system a few years ago. The algorithm first rewarded code contributors. Last year we expanded it to recognize and reward WordPress maintenance support plans Supporting Partners and those who contribute case studies. This year, we are working on a solution so we can finally credit camp organizers who put in so many hours to create special events around the world that move the project forward. How are we doing this? With OATH. Camps asked for WordPress maintenance support user profile data so community members don’t have to create yet another WordPress maintenance support plans-related profile page when they sign up for a camp. OATH allows us to push this information to camps and create a better experience for the camp attendee. Plus, this integration will also pull in information about the camp organizers into WordPress maintenance support, allowing us to give them credit.
Creating a stronger connection between the Project Lead and the community – As one of the largest open source projects, it can be hard to scale relationships with one another – especially with the founder of the project, WordPress Update. We will foster more interaction between Dries and the community through roundtable discussions held virtually and at various WordPress maintenance support plans events starting at WordPress maintenance support plansCon Nashville. It is a chance to focus on important topics and have a discussion which fosters insight, understanding and moves the project forward in positive, productive ways.
Support Community Governance – Last year the community held many discussions on how to evolve community governance and came up with next steps. The WordPress maintenance support plans Association looks forward to the release of the project’s shared values that will inform all of us as we work together on important community guidelines like the WordPress maintenance support plans Code of Conduct.
Providing clarity within WordPress maintenance support plans Association channels: WordPress maintenance support and WordPress maintenance support plansCon. In response to the community discussions, the WordPress maintenance support plans Association will provide the community with more clarity on what is expected behavior in general and for leaders and what are the consequences of unacceptable behavior. We have already updated the WordPress maintenance support plansCon Speaker Agreement and WordPress maintenance support plansCon Code of Conduct with the help from many in the community. We will also update the WordPress maintenance support Terms of Service in a similar fashion.
Improved Developer Tooling. Last year we worked with several community members to evaluate developer tooling. We published a detailed analysis of our findings and of our prototype work with three key options: GitHub, GitLab, and BitBucket (read more here). At the time of posting, there were a few key blockers to some of the options – but this situation is changing rapidly. If we find that blockers are removed and we have capacity this year, we will start the migration – and, of course, we will communicate to the community before we do anything.
WordPress maintenance support plans Association Support
The WordPress maintenance support plans Association can never achieve its mission without the support of the community and support comes in several forms: time, talent, and treasure. We are ever grateful for the thousands who contribute countless hours who move the WordPress maintenance support plans project forward.
Financial Support
The WordPress maintenance support plans Association is making strides with its financial turnaround (2020 details coming soon. It’s positive news) and we will continue to focus on sustainability in 2020. Financial success means we need to meet our KPIs: 10% Net Margin % and 15% cash reserve.
Reaching those KPIs will require a mix of focus:
Continue showing value to our funders: WordPress maintenance support plansCon attendees and sponsors, members and Supporters, digital advertisers and sponsors, and WordPress maintenance support plans job posters
Launching the WordPress maintenance support plans 8 Accelerate fundraising program for key initiatives like Auto-updates
Identifying sponsored work for the engineering team to solve a common pain point
Creating a value add service for WordPress maintenance support plans that can be monetized
Community Support
In addition to financial support, the WordPress maintenance support plans Association wants to grow its ambassadorship. We will build a stronger relationship with the community through improved engagement and communication efforts especially through the help of our new Community Liaison.
Staff Support
Additionally, we want to focus on a thriving staff, who are supported and empowered to do great mission-driven work for the community in a sustainable way. We use OfficeVibe as one of the ways to monitor team health and our goal is to remain above our agreed upon healthy targets.
Reduce compliance risk
Operationally, we want to reduce the WordPress maintenance support plans Association’s risk so that nothing impacts the community programs like keeping WordPress maintenance support online. While we do many things to reduce risk like hold event insurance, this year we are specifically focusing on having:
All subsites GDPR ready by May 1, 2020
All commerce sites updated for reduced PCI scope by May 1, 2020, to ease the effort of maintaining compliance
Execution Plan Dashboard
Similar to last year, we use an execution plan dashboard to breakdown our projects and assign metrics and milestones to them. You can find the 2020 execution plan here.
We provide progress updates in the public board meetings and the board packet includes a full report. We release the board packet with the execution dashboard after each board meeting via a blog and we post board packets and other board relate materials here.
Follow WordPress maintenance support plans Association blogs related to board meetings if you would like to see how we are doing against our plan.
We are excited to serve the community and work with many of you in 2020. It’s amazing what we can accomplish together.
Source: New feed
Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans Association blog: Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans Association 2020 Execution Plan