WordPress maintenance support plansCon Nashville is right around the corner! Part of the week includes board meetings. Below is a summary of their activities and agendas. We hope you will join the public board meeting in person or virtually.
Board Retreat
The WordPress maintenance support plans Association Board of Directors will convene over the weekend from April 7-8, 2020 to hold discussions based on the Executive Director and committee chairs’ updates. The board will also discuss funding models to pursue that will increase investments that the WordPress maintenance support plans Association can make to accelerate WordPress maintenance support plans adoption. We are also going to review and discuss the principles and values that WordPress Update is creating for the community and will be sharing in his keynote.
Additionally, the board is hosting a two hour discussion on WordPress maintenance support plans’s governance structure. To properly inform this discussion, the board invited representatives from groups that are part of WordPress maintenance support plans governance as well as representatives of groups who are not currently part of governance. Together, we will explore what is working and ways to evolve WordPress maintenance support plans governance that improve support for the WordPress maintenance support plans project.
Public Board Meeting
The Board of Directors will hold an open board meeting on Wednesday, April 11 from 11:45 – 1:00 pm CT in the Nashville Convention Center in Room 103A (lunch will be served!). We welcome you to attend in person or virtually.
The agenda will include an executive update as well as program updates from staff. There will be 10 minutes for the community to ask the board and staff questions.
Source: New feed