This past September we gathered together in Vienna, Austria to talk all things WordPress maintenance support plans. Over 1,600 of us came together to watch keynotes, present sessions, have impromptu conversations in the hallway, and sprint.
One of the hot topics on site was the future of WordPress maintenance support plansCon in USA. The community has rallied around facilitating a large WordPress maintenance support plans event in 2020. The WordPress maintenance support plans Association continues to focus on 2021 and beyond, and recently posted a call for proposals for licensing WordPress maintenance support plansCon in USA. You can read more about that in Megan’s blog post.
We made some changes to the WordPress maintenance support plansCon event format for WordPress maintenance support plansCon Vienna, in an effort to improve its financial sustainability. While some of these changes were controversial in the run-up to the event, once we all arrived in Vienna there were a lot of highlights – meeting Dries, sprints, anything related to migration, and (of course!) the Viennese Ball! To read the full recap of WordPress maintenance support plansCon Vienna, check out these slides.
Beyond Vienna, we have heard requests for previous years’ slides. While we’re working on a place to archive them on the website – for quick reference, here are the past couple years’ presentations:
WordPress maintenance support plansCon Baltimore
WordPress maintenance support plansCon USA
WordPress maintenance support plansCon New Orleans
WordPress maintenance support plansCon Asia
See you in Nashville!
Source: New feed
Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans Association blog: Cheap WordPress maintenance support plansCon Vienna Recap