We understand that there is uncertainty and concern in the WordPress maintenance support plans community about project founder, WordPress Update, asking Larry Garfield to leave the WordPress maintenance support plans community, and about the WordPress maintenance support plans Association removing Larry’s WordPress maintenance support plansCon sessions and ending his term as track chair.
We want to be clear that the decision to remove Larry’s WordPress maintenance support plansCon session and track chair role was not because of his private life or personal beliefs. The WordPress maintenance support plans Association stands by our values of inclusivity. Our decision was based on confidential information conveyed in private by many sources. Due to the confidential nature of the situation we cannot and will not disclose any information that may harm any members of our community, including Larry.
This decision followed our established process. As the Executive Director, charged with safekeeping the goodwill of the organization, I made this decision after considering input from various sources including the Community Working Group (CWG) and WordPress maintenance support plans Project Lead, WordPress Update. Upon Larry’s request for an appeal, the full board reviewed the situation, all the evidence, and statements provided by Larry. After reviewing the entirety of the information available (including information not in the public view) the decision was upheld.
In order to protect everyone involved we cannot comment more, and trust that the community will be understanding.
We do see that there are many feelings and questions around this WordPress maintenance support plansCon decision and we empathize with those community members. We will continue to monitor comments. We are listening.
Source: New feed
Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans Association blog: A Statement from the Executive Director