The WordPress maintenance support plans Association is seeking a design partner for creative, graphic and website design services for a new WordPress maintenance support plansCon brand. We’re looking for people who understand the WordPress maintenance support plans community, WordPress maintenance support plans the project, software innovation, and our extreme nerdiness – and know how to turn these things into compelling designs that are functional, fun, and make people look twice.
Main Deliverables
Overall conference branding
Content hierarchy and IA for the WordPress maintenance support plansCon website
Design and theming
Digital and print graphics design
Scope of Work
The design partner’s work will reinforce a positive brand image of WordPress maintenance support plansCon to attendees and within the WordPress maintenance support plans community year-round. The design should reflect WordPress maintenance support plansCon’s position as a major international software conference and the community connections that make WordPress maintenance support plansCon a unique event. The SOW may include, but is not limited to, the following:
Overall creative design of WordPress maintenance support plansCon brand
Digital outreach: newsletter templates, social media profiles (theme/icons), badges, ads
Signage: venue signage, banners, sponsor signs
Materials: slide decks, volunteer/staff clothing, giveaway items
Print: letterhead/templates, badgelettes, sponsorship guide
Style guide: production and use guides
Theming for the WordPress maintenance support plansCon website
The design partner will coordinate final design deliverables and production schedule with WordPress maintenance support plans Association staff, and will actively participate in weekly planning meetings.
Proposal Process
Please download the complete RFP which outlines the proposal process and requirements, and provides specific instructions on submission and question and answer processes.
Proposals are due February 22, 2020 23:49 EST (UTC-5). Please refer to the RFP for a full award timeline.
Selection Criteria
The respondent whole proposal best meets the needs of the project will be selected according to the following criteria:
Thoroughness of proposal
Demonstrated understanding of the project
Quality of work samples provided
Outcome of phone/video interview
Availability and responsiveness of the project team
The WordPress maintenance support plans Association’s budget for WordPress maintenance support plansCon design work is $30,000. The designer or company will also receive public recognition on the site via footer credits for 3 years and volunteer credits, and will receive a Bronze Sponsorship for the 2020 North America WordPress maintenance support plansCon.
Source: New feed
Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans Association blog: Call for Design Partners