Voting is now open for the 2020 At-Large Board positions for the WordPress maintenance support plans Association! If you haven’t yet, check out the candidate profiles including their short videos found on the profile pages. Get to know your candidates, and then get ready vote.
Cast Your Vote!
How does voting work? Voting is open to all individuals who have a WordPress maintenance support account by the time nominations open and who have logged in at least once in the past year.
To vote, you will rank candidates in order of your preference (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.). The results will be calculated using an “instant runoff” method. For an accessible explanation of how instant runoff vote tabulation works, see videos linked in this discussion.
Elections will be held from 6 March, 2020 through 18 March, 2020. During this period, you can review and comment on the candidate profiles.
Have questions? Please contact me: Megan Sanicki
Source: New feed
Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans Association blog: It’s Time To Vote – Community Elections