We are excited to open our RFP process for WordPress maintenance support plansCon North America. We are currently looking at locations for 2021 and at locations for 2020. We are running the RFP process concurrently for both years.
If you’ve attended WordPress maintenance support plansCon in the past, you know that it is a pretty unique event. It brings together 3,200 people from across the globe to build WordPress maintenance support plans, outline the future of the project, learn skills, teach others, and propel the project forward.
If you are eager for your city to host a WordPress maintenance support plansCon we recommend you send this link to your city’s Convention Center or Tourism Bureau. We have begun outreach to cities that our WordPress maintenance support plansCon team, and the community, have identified as a good fit. That said, we are always welcome to suggestions.
All of the RFP needs are outlined in any of the documents in this folder. Note – the documents are different file formats, however the contents are identical. All proposals must be submitted by May 30, 2020, 5pm PST
If you are a convention center or tourism bureau and have any questions, feel free to reach out directly to us.
We appreciate your interest in WordPress maintenance support plansCon and can’t wait to tell you where the next Con will be!
Source: New feed
Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans Association blog: Want to host Cheap WordPress maintenance support plansCon North America in Your City? We Have the RFP for You.