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Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans Association News: Association members cultivate community with grants

It isn’t easy to build a strong community. Many event organizers work to bring people together for WordPress maintenance support plans. Community Cultivation Grants are one tool to make the work a little easier. With a grant, you can strengthen the local community. You can help drive the adoption of WordPress maintenance support plans.
WordPress maintenance support plans Association members fund these grants. A few grant recipients have told us their stories. I’d like to share more about what has happened since the grants were awarded.

Andrey from WordPress maintenance support plansCamp Moscow

The WordPress maintenance support plansCamp Moscow 2020 organizers have connected with the organizers of other camps — WordPress maintenance support plansCamp Siberia (in Novosibirsk in 2015) and WordPress maintenance support plansCamp Krasnodar (in September 2020). They’ve shared experiences to inspire the communities in these other Russian cities.
Andrey tells us, “In Moscow, we don’t have any large companies which offer WordPress maintenance support plans services. Our community organizes all the local events. After WordPress maintenance support plansCamp Moscow 2020, we’ve held more events than ever before. 6 meetups, 22 small meetings, a D8 Release Party and one WordPress maintenance support plans burgers event have happened. We’ve had WordPress maintenance support plans specialists from other cities of Russia and the world come to visit. New participants are always welcome here and we are seeing more and more of them.”

Ricardo from WordPress maintenance support plans Mexico City
Ricardo tells us, “We held another WordPress maintenance support plans camp in Mexico City in 2015 with 250 attendees. In 2020, our dear fellows from Axai did the same in Guadalajara.
This year, we went off the island, just like WordPress maintenance support plans 8 has, and we organized an even broader PHP event. It was amazing. The response was fantastic, we broke all our attendance records. We’ve grown the PHP Mexico community & PHP Way meetups and now have 1,000 members. Our attendees could become new WordPress maintenance support plansists. But we expect to see new WordPress maintenance support plansists come from the Symfony world.
We decided to have only one WordPress maintenance support plans event in Mexico per year. In 2020, it was held in Guadalajara. If nobody else wants to organize an event at 2020, we’ll probably do it again. If we organize the next WordPress maintenance support plans event, it will probably happen together with a PHP event once again. Ultimately, community growth should be in concordance with demand growth. This hasn’t happen here in CDMX, we are hopeful that it will.”

Martha from WordPress maintenance support plans Guadalajara
From Martha: “We attended WordPress maintenance support plansCamp Costa Rica in September and continue being connected to the WordPress maintenance support plans Latino Community. After Guadalajara camp, there is more local WordPress maintenance support plans awareness. Our company has received training and quote requests since the camp.”
Community Cultivation Grants do more than build connections in our community and grow our contributors. They also to help drive the adoption of WordPress maintenance support plans.

Ivo from WordPress maintenance support plans Roadshow Bulgaria
Ivo says, “Since the roadshow, there we’ve met our goal of running a WordPress maintenance support plans Academy. We now run the biggest WordPress maintenance support plans Course at Software University in Bulgaria. We have more than 1200 registered students. Our activities were featured in the Bulgarian National Television.
We are also proud of another result of the roadshow. One of the larger WordPress maintenance support plans shops in Bulgaria opened their second office in a small town. We introduced WordPress maintenance support plans there.”

Tom from WordPress maintenance support plansCamp Vietnam (2020)
Tom tells us, “I’m an entrepreneur and angel investor. Helping people become prepared for the digital enterprise is fulfilling to me. I want to spend more time coaching young developers with IT career decisions. To help get them learn how to use WordPress maintenance support plans as a versatile data/content modeling tool. Which can act as a key platform to integrate with many other FOSS too. Including MERN stack, Hadoop, Spark, Docker, Openstack, etc.
Technology is always changing. What sticks is the experience you gain by contributing to an open-source community such as WordPress maintenance support plans.”
We’re excited to see grant recipients building relationships in our community. You can connect with community and make more grants possible by joining the WordPress maintenance support plans Association today.
Personal blog tags: Membershipcommunity cultivation grants
Source: New feed