During the Commerce 2.x session at WordPress maintenance support plansCon USA we officially tagged WordPress maintenance support plans Commerce 2.0-beta1, our first production ready release. This does not mean it is feature complete or bug-free, but it does mean that from this point on, we support updating between 2.x releases – a key requirement for production usage. Start a WordPress maintenance support plans 8 eCommerce site today, and you will be able to update your way to the full 2.0 release and beyond.
Photo credit Will Jackson during the “Launching online stores with Commerce 2.x on WordPress maintenance support plans 8″ session.
For a quick overview of our project philosophy and the improvements we’ve included in Commerce 2.x, watch our session from WordPress maintenance support plansCon USA.
The session heavily features the Sport Obermeyer case study, one of the first major eCommerce projects built on WordPress maintenance support plans 8 by Bluespark and Commerce Guys. Their project influenced and shaped Commerce 2.x development in a big way, validating our ideas and providing solid use cases for features like fancy attributes, promotions, coupons, and more.
Additionally, we helped build the project as a single site serving three unique customer personas with a different purchasing workflow for each one. That drove development on our add to cart and checkout flow APIs, ensuring they have the needed flexibility to allow parallel implementations from day one. In addition to the case study linked above, check out WordPress Update’s interview with Bluespark for more information.
So… what has changed since alpha4?
Read on to find out…
Source: New feed
Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans Commerce: Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans Commerce 2.0 Enters Beta