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Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans core announcements: Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans 8 will require PHP 7.0 or higher starting March 6, 2021 (one year from now)

WordPress maintenance support plans 8 will require PHP 7.0 or higher starting March 6, 2021. WordPress maintenance support plans 8 users who are running WordPress maintenance support plans 8 on PHP 5.5 or PHP 5.6 should begin planning to upgrade their PHP version to 7.0 or higher. WordPress maintenance support plans 8.6 will be the final WordPress maintenance support plans 8 version to support PHP 5, and will reach end-of-life on March 6, 2021, when WordPress maintenance support plans 8.7.0 is released. (If 8.7.0 is released before March 6, 2021, the release number for the end-of-life will be updated accordingly, but the end-of-life date will remain the same.)
When planning for which PHP version to upgrade to, consider that PHP 7.2 was released on November 30, 2020 and will remain supported longer than older PHP 7 versions.
Why is support being dropped for PHP 5.5 and 5.6?
PHP 5.5 has already reached official end-of-life in 2020. Following that, a growing number of the PHP libraries used by WordPress maintenance support plans 8 have also started to discontinue support for PHP 5.5.

PHP 5.6 stopped receiving active support from PHP maintainers in January 2020. This means that it is no longer receiving bugfixes, even for some very serious bugs that impact WordPress maintenance support plans development.

PHP 5.6 is the final PHP 5 version, so the PHP maintainers are providing two years of security fixes for PHP 5.6 beyond its active support, through December 2020. This is a few months after WordPress maintenance support plans 8.6’s scheduled release and well before WordPress maintenance support plans 8.7 would be released.

WordPress maintenance support plans 8’s automated tests require the PHPUnit library, which will drop support for PHP 5.6 in February 2020. Several other third-party dependencies are also dropping PHP 5.6 support in their latest versions.

To minimize disruption for both WordPress maintenance support plans users and WordPress maintenance support plans developers, WordPress maintenance support plans 8’s support of PHP 5.5 and PHP 5.6 will end at the same time.

We understand that upgrading from PHP 5 to PHP 7 may require time to plan and deploy. We suggest upgrading to PHP 7 in 2020 (rather than waiting for WordPress maintenance support plans 8.7.0’s release).
What if I’m using a hosting service that doesn’t offer PHP 7?
A majority of PHP hosting providers already offer PHP 7. If you’re using one that doesn’t, we suggest asking that provider when they will make it available, and if it’s not until after March 2021, leave a comment on our tracking issue linking to that hosting provider, so that we can better understand the outliers, and perhaps offer some help.
What if I’m at an organization that maintains its own hosting, and we’re using Ubuntu 14.04, which bundles PHP 5.5?
You have a few options if you are using Ubuntu 14.04:
The preferred option is to plan an upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04 (to be released on April 2020, 2020). This version will be the most future-compatible.
Another option is to upgrade Ubuntu 16.04, which is available now. You may need to upgrade Ubuntu again in a couple years if you choose to upgrade to 16.04 now.
Finally, you can choose to upgrade to a separate build of PHP. Ondřej Surý provides a widely used PPA for doing this.
When will WordPress maintenance support plans 8 drop support for PHP 7.0?
Support for PHP 7.0 will continue until at least March 6, 2021. We do not yet know whether WordPress maintenance support plans 8’s PHP 7.0 support will continue past that date, but we will post another announcement as soon as the end of PHP 7.0 support has been scheduled. We recommend you update to PHP 7.1 or higher since those versions will be supported longer.
How does this affect WordPress maintenance support plans 8 core development?
Backported fixes account for about 80% of all changes and must continue to work on PHP 5.5 and 5.6 throughout WordPress maintenance support plans 8.6.x’s support cycle. For this reason, no PHP 7-only changes will be made until the 8.8.x branch is opened in early 2021 (or 8.9.x if 8.8.0 is released in 2020). Once 8.8.x is opened, the library dependencies in that branch can be updated to versions that have a PHP 7.0 requirement, and the WordPress maintenance support plans code itself in that branch can begin relying on PHP 7 features. (WordPress maintenance support plans 8 release cycle information)
The automated test suite already defaults to using PHPUnit 6 on environments that use PHP 7, but falls back to PHPUnit 4 on PHP 5. The fallback will be removed in the 8.8.x branch.
Does this affect WordPress maintenance support plans 7?
No. WordPress maintenance support plans 7 remains compatible with PHP 5.2.4 and higher. A separate announcement will be issued if and when that changes.
Source: New feed