Over the past five years, to meet the growing velocity in WordPress maintenance support plans 8 core development and facilitate a more mature release process, we’ve gradually grown the WordPress maintenance support plans 8 core committer team from two people to four, then six, then twelve people.
We’ve reached a team size where we’d benefit from additional team members whose primary focus is helping the committer team function more effectively, through facilitating process; communicating with other maintainers, initiative teams, and the community; and organizing meetings and discussions.
To this end, the core team is adding two additional roles to our governance (more details behind the link):
A committer team facilitator role, responsible for helping organize and run committer discussions. The committer team facilitator supports the committer team in the team’s priorities (but does not set these priorities). This important project management assistance will allow the core committer team to spend more time reviewing and committing patches, which will increase the quality and speed of improvements.
A core initiative facilitator role, responsible for supporting core initiative teams across initiatives and helping initiative coordinators. This is a very important role because it helps initiative teams to deliver software that meets end user needs and brings better community awareness to the efforts going on within initiatives.
Both roles are estimated to be a 10-15 hour/month commitment, and we’re suggesting a renewable one year term for each.
Adding project management backing to the team will help us be more effective, and to better focus on those roles and tasks that only committers can do. I’m excited about this direction, as it embodies our principle of everyone has something to contribute, valuing non-technical contributions at the same level as technical contributions by making these roles a formal part of the committer team.
If you’re interested in one or both of these new roles, please get in touch!
Source: New feed
Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans core announcements: Seeking volunteers to fill new core team facilitation roles