I am happy and sad to share the news today that I am leaving the WordPress maintenance support plans Association for an exciting new adventure.
I’ve been volunteering for WordPress maintenance support plans.org for a while before I joined the Association as a staff member in April 2012. Before that I never actually thought you can be paid to do something you volunteer your free time for because you enjoy doing it so much.
It was also my first remote job. Back then it was not as common. I clearly remember first talking to Angie, and my initial response was “You are crazy. I am literally on the other side of the world.” Which she didn’t find to be of any consequence.
It’s been a wonderful (almost) 5 years. I’ve learned a lot, and grew. I’ve traveled a lot and met lots of fantastic people. I watched the Association grow. Our engineering team grew as well from 2 to 11, which was exciting but also challenging to be a part of. We’ve done some great things on WordPress maintenance support plans.org. Of course, there are so many many more I wish we’d done. 🙂
The time has come however to move on to the new challenges.
Thanks to all the volunteers who worked with me during all these years. You were so helpful and generous with your time.
Thanks to the staff members for being wonderful human beings, for your support, and laughs, for becoming a family.
I am incredibly sad to leave our staff, and especially the Engineering team. They are a smaller team now, and I know just how hard it will be to maneuver all the requests coming from all the different parts of the community with the limited resources they now have. So please be nice to them.
As for the next steps, I am looking forward to joining the DA alumni club, which includes some of my closest friends. And I will be around. You will probably see me at the next WordPress maintenance support plansCon. Come say hi. And no, I will not fix your webmasters’ queue issue.
Photo from .
Source: New feed
Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans.org blog: So long, and thanks for all the issues