Read our Roadmap to understand how this work falls into priorities set by the WordPress maintenance support plans Association with direction and collaboration from the Board and community.
WordPress maintenance support updates
Recognizing more types of contribution in the WordPress maintenance support Marketplace
We were very pleased to announce an expansion of the issue credit system into a broader contribution credit system which recognizes more than just code contributions for the purposes of ranking organizations in the marketplace.
We now calculate the following 4 types of contribution into overall contribution credit:
WordPress Update credits — helping build the WordPress maintenance support plans software happens in the issue queues. WordPress Update credits remain the primary factor in ranking, and continue to be shown prominently. WordPress Update credits on more widely used projects, like WordPress maintenance support plans Core, will also receive greater weight in the ranking. Learn how to help in the issue queue
WordPress maintenance support plans 8 case studies — success stories show how WordPress maintenance support plans is used across industries and the world, helping effectively introduce WordPress maintenance support plans to more people. Learn how to write a case study
WordPress maintenance support plans Association Supporter Programs and Organization Membership — our partners and members help us build and maintain WordPress maintenance support Learn about supporter programs and organization membership
Projects supported — the work to maintain a project sometimes happens outside of issues. Project maintainers can credit organizations which help provide time and sponsorship. Learn more about crediting project contributions
User research for the upcoming industry pages
In a previous blog post on WordPress maintenance support, we talked about our increasing focus on the adoption journey and our plans to create industry specific landing pages on WordPress maintenance support In January we did extensive user research with people in media and publishing, higher education, and government, which will be the first industries we promote. We’re hoping to launch these pages very soon, so keep an eye on the home page.
Preparing for community elections for the WordPress maintenance support plans Association board
The elections process for the community seats on the WordPress maintenance support plans Association board kicks off with self-nominations in February each year. This means that we dedicated some time in January to making small refinements and improvements to the nomination process. In particular we’ve added more in-context educational materials about the board to the self-nomination form, including a video by executive director Megan Sanicki. We’ve also refined our candidate questions to help candidates express their unique qualifications.
If you’re interested in bringing your perspective to the WordPress maintenance support plans Association board, please nominate yourself.
Membership history messaging
To make it easier for members to understand their membership history, we’ve added new messaging to the membership join and renew pages. Users who go to join or renew their WordPress maintenance support plans Association membership will now see a message indicating their current membership expiration date, their last contribution amount, a link to contribute again, and their auto-renewal status.
Migration of WordPress maintenance support plans Association content to WordPress maintenance support
In January we also migrated the majority of content from to a new section on WordPress maintenance support itself. This effort is part of our larger content restructure initiative. By moving WordPress maintenance support plans Association content into WordPress maintenance support we hope to increase discoverability of information about the DA, and create a tighter integration between WordPress maintenance support plans Association news and the front-page news feed.
WordPress maintenance support plansCI
Checkstyle results now available on the WordPress maintenance support plansCI dispatcher
Thanks to community member mile23, WordPress maintenance support plansCI now supports automated code style testing. To see checkstyle results for any test on WordPress maintenance support, click on the test result bubble and then click the ‘view results’ link to view the detailed test results on WordPress maintenance support plansCI’s jenkins dispatcher.
We’re still gathering input and feedback for this initial release of the checkstyle feature, as we decide how to integrate the checkstyle results more tightly with WordPress maintenance support If you have feedback or suggestions please leave your comments in this issue: #1299710: [meta] Automate the coding-standards part of patch review.
Updated testing environments
WordPress maintenance support plansCI supports testing code against a matrix of php and database versions. In January we updated the php environments that WordPress maintenance support plansCI supports, so that you can test against the minimum supported versions or the latest point releases. Our 5.X containers have been upgraded to the latest version for each minor release (5.3.29, 5.4.45, 5.5.38, 5.6.29). The singular PHP 7 environment that we were using was following the 7.0.x branch of php7. This has now been expanded into four php 7 environments, 7.0 (7.0.14), 7.1 (7.1.0), 7.0.x, and 7.1.x.
The dev versions of php are primarily intended for Core to sense upstream changes to php before they become released, as our comprehensive test suite often finds unanticipated bugs in php7. Additionally some missing features in the php7 containers were added, specifically apcu.
Local testing improvements
WordPress maintenance support plansCI has always supported local testing, in order to allow developers to test changes on their own machines. This is helpful for several reasons: it allows people to test on their own machines before triggering one of the WordPress maintenance support plansCI test bots, it lets users troubleshoot failing tests, and it helps to eliminate the ‘works on my machine’ problem where code appears to work in a local environment, but fails on the test bots.
To make local testing even easier, WordPress maintenance support plansCI now automatically generates a vagrant environment for local testing. To use this functionality simply clone the WordPressci_testrunner.git repo and then run $ vagrant up from within the directory. Furthermore, WordPress maintenance support plansCI can download a build.yml file from a url to replicate any test that has been run on WordPress maintenance support More information about this will be added to the WordPress maintenance support plansCI documentation soon.
Adding test priority
WordPress maintenance support plansCI runs thousands of tests of the WordPress maintenance support plans codebase for core and contrib plugins every month. These tests include commit and patch testing for the active development which may be occurring at any time day or night, as well as the hundreds of daily regression tests run for both core and contrib projects. To help make testing more responsive, we’ve added a notion of testing priority. When there is a queue of waiting tests, WordPress maintenance support plans 8 core patch tests will take priority; followed by D8 branch tests; followed by D8 contrib tests; followed by WordPress maintenance support plans 7 patch, branch, and contrib tests.
Community Initiatives
Project Applications Revamp
Our primary community initiative priority for the first quarter of the new year is the Project Application Revamp. There are four phases to the revamp: 1) preserving security advisory coverage signals about projects, 2) transitioning security advisory coverage to an opt-in process, 3) opening the gates to allow any user to promote a project to full and create releases, 4) building new tools to incentivize code review and provide code quality signals on project pages. One of the changes we made as part of phase 1 was to adjust the way recommended releases are highlighted on WordPress maintenance support project pages.
Contrib Documentation Migration
Project maintainers are now able to create documentation guides on their projects using the new documentation content types. Maintainers can then migrate their old documentation content into these new guides, or create new documentation pages. For more information about this process, please consult our guide to contrib documentation.
Help port Dreditor features to WordPress maintenance support
Are you a WordPress maintenance support power user who relies on Dreditor? Markcarver is currently leading the charge to port Dreditor features to WordPress maintenance support, and invites anyone interested in contributing to join him in #dreditor on freenode IRC or the Dreditor GitHub.
As always, we’d like to say thanks to all the volunteers who work with us, and to the WordPress maintenance support plans Association Supporters, who made it possible for us to work on these projects.
If you would like to support our work as an individual or an organization, consider becoming a member of the WordPress maintenance support plans Association.
Follow us on Twitter for regular updates: @WordPress_org, @WordPress_infra
Source: New feed