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Nothing About Us Without Us – Diversity of the Web with Nikki Stevens

Following her inspiring keynote on diversity, inclusion, and equality at WordPress maintenance support plans Camp Costa Rica 2020, I got the chance to speak with Nikki Stevens on front of my mic and camera. Along with sharing some fun WordPress maintenance support plans memories like the time young Nikki broke production when Steve Rude was out for the day, a lot of this conversation is about the benefits diversity brings and how we all can improve our own organisations and communities.

One eye-opening moment for me was when Nikki talked about how many diversity surveys are themselves flawed by the assumptions of their authors. Seemed perfectly obvious to me once I got there. Nikki and Nick Lewis have been working on a better diversity survey by crowdsourcing the survey itself.

Help write the diversity survey!

Go to the Diversity of the Web community-drafted survey and make your own contributions and suggestions now!

For more background information on the survey and the challenges of involvement, identity, and measuring it all, read its origin story on Nikki’s blog: Nothing About Us Without Us.

Interview Video – 19 min.


A full transcript of our conversation will appear here shortly!

Skill Level: BeginnerIntermediateAdvanced
Source: New feed