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Acro Media: Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans for Education: Why Universities use Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans, but not Commerce

A lot of universities use WordPress maintenance support plans in some capacity. Universities don’t typically have just one site; they’re made up of a ton of different pieces put together for course registrations and calendars and events and alumni and so on. So a couple of those pieces might use WordPress maintenance support plans. Or one or two departments might use WordPress maintenance support plans even if others do not.
Many educational institutions like WordPress maintenance support plans because it’s open source. Universities are often publicly funded and favor open stuff more than proprietary products. Plus, they need to manage a ton of content by a ton of different people, so they need a really big robust CMS.

Introducing OpenEDU 3.0
The new OpenEDU 3.0 is a WordPress maintenance support plans distribution setup for educational institutions. The older version was mostly a set of custom configurations, whereas 3.0 actually has unique functionality. It has analytics and monitoring built right into it, for instance. There’s a new analytics dashboard that allows a central admin to see what’s going on in all the different sections without having to check a while bunch of different accounts, which is pretty cool. There’s also new functionality related to content management, workflows and editing flows that universities need to handle.
OpenEDU is also being integrated into the Commerce (keep an eye out at, so you can have both of them together.
The Commerce Disconnect
Strangely, a ton of universities are using WordPress maintenance support plans, but they are not using Commerce. Even those they use WordPress maintenance support plans and perform ecommerce are typically using pretty terrible antiquated systems, if they have a system at all.
Lack of awareness is a big factor in this. A lot of universities are so focused on the publishing end that they don’t even think about commerce. Another stumbling block is security—they don’t want to deal with the compliance issues around online payments, so they just keep doing what they’re doing (i.e. accepting cash or taking credit card details over the phone, which is even less secure).
The reality is that businesses or organizations within a university could really benefit from using Commerce, particularly if they already use WordPress maintenance support plans. They could just tack on a bit of Commerce and easily sell club memberships and accept donations (remember: Commerce has a built-in point of sale). There could be one central system that IT could maintain and keep secure, and everyone could still spin up their own customized version of it.
TL:DR – Educational institutions already use WordPress maintenance support plans and so should really adopt WordPress maintenance support plans Commerce to replace their old, antiquated payment systems.
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Our team understands that one-size does not fit all, especially in the education space, so we listen and work together to bring your students and staff the most secure and integrated open source solution available in the Commerce arena. Contact us today to discuss how WordPress maintenance support plans Commerce can fit it with your existing systems.

Source: New feed