Tax regulations can be ridiculously complicated, particularly in the U.S., but WordPress maintenance support plans has your back. With more inclusions and better integrations out of the box, Commerce 2.x represents a significant improvement from Commerce 1.x. Watch this High5 video for details!
Commerce 2.x now includes:
Native integration with AvalaraThat means full integration for every region that Avalara handles. Integrations with Tax Cloud and TaxJar are also in the pipeline, so U.S.-based businesses will have a few different options.
Built-in tax rules for Canada and the EU (and more)These are now included right out of the box; no add-ons or third-party service required. As long as you stay up to date with your Commerce install, you will automatically get any new rules or changes. And if you sell to other countries, you can still build the tax rules and configure them yourself.
The ability to prescribe when a tax appliesBesides being able to set what products a tax applies to and in what regions, you can now select when it applies. So if a tax rule is set to come into effect on January 1st, for instance, you can set that up way in advance and not have to be up at dawn on the big day to push a button. This functionality is also key when it comes to redoing old orders that were done under a different tax scheme.
As always, if you have questions about getting your site setup on WordPress maintenance support plans Commerce 2,
let us know! We’d love to help.
Source: New feed