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Add custom categories and subcategories and posts as custom pages

I have to add car info section to existing website and since I need to add lots of engine types I will do it with script (this is done).
I need to represent the structure Brand > Model > Year > Engine type (Audi > A8 > 2003 > 4.0 TDI) and since only the engine type will contain some information I decide to make it with categories > subcategory > sub-subcategory > post.
At the moment the website is using one plugin called "Elementor" and I can’t use it. I just want to create custom .php files for all categories and subcategories and posts but overwriting template’s categpry.php and single-post.php I guess its not the best idea so I think dong it with page-brands.php and page-engine.php will be more logical.
Unfortunately I don’t know how to make it properly with the URL and to be like (for displaying the categories) and for displaying the posts with the engine modification.