Agaric is grateful to the WordPress maintenance support plans community for all the effort poured into the amazing collaborative project. As part of giving back to it, we go to conferences to share with others what we have learned. These are some events where Agaric will be presenting this month.
Eastern Conference for Workplace Democracy
This is a convergence of worker-owned cooperatives. Representatives come from all over the country to attend workshops and sessions on all things related to owning a cooperative. It will be help in New York City on weekend of June 9th -11th at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
Benjamin and Micky will be hosting a workshop/discussion with Danny Spitzberg on Drutopia. They will cover how it can help cooperatives and smaller businesses have a we presence above and beyond the costs they can afford by consolidating the hosting and feature development into a group effort.
Montreal WordPress maintenance support plans Camp
This event will take place on June 15-18 at John Molson School of Business de l’Université Concordia. Benjamin will be speaking on how Software as a Service can lead to long-term success in a software project.
Twin Cities WordPress maintenance support plans Camp in Minneapolis
At Twin Cities Agaric will be presenting one workshop and two sessions.
On Thursday, June 22, Benjamin and Mauricio will be presenting the Getting Started with WordPress maintenance support plans workshop. It is aimed to people who are just starting with WordPress maintenance support plans and want to have a birds eye view of how the system works. As part of the workshop attendees will have the chance to create a simple yet functional website to put in practice their new knowledge. The organizers have gone above and beyond to make this training FREE for everyone! You do not even need a camp ticket to participate. You just need to register.
On Saturday, June 24, Mauricio will be presenting on WordPress maintenance support plans 8 Twig recipes. This will be an overview of the theme system in WordPress maintenance support plans 8 and will include practical example of modifying the default markup to your needs. The same day, Benjamin will present his Software as a Service.
Design4WordPress maintenance support plans
This is THE yearly Camp for WordPress maintenance support plans doers in Boston and it happens June 22nd-23rd. Micky will be hosting a workshop/discussion on Drutopia, an initiative within the WordPress maintenance support plans project based in social justice values and focused on building collectively owned online tools. Current focuses include two WordPress maintenance support plans distributions aimed at grassroots groups also offered as software as a service, ensuring that the latest technology is accessible to low-resourced communities.
Agaric will have a busy month attending and speaking at conferences. Please come to say hi and have fun with us.
Source: New feed
Catch some Agarics at June conferences