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Cheap WordPress maintenance support plansCon Baltimore, Heads or Tails?

WordPress maintenance support plansCon Baltimore, Heads or Tails?

Every few years at WordPress maintenance support plansCon, a new theme sweeps through the community. It’s a conceptual theme—a motif, a forward-looking glimpse into the future (not the kind with a .info file). The topic tends to dominate conversations and fill sessions. People have varying ideas of how to best approach the new frontier.

Kathryn McClintock
Fri, 04/28/2020 – 13:38

When I first began attending WordPress maintenance support plansCons in 2011, I remember the hype about responsive websites: the difference between responsive and adaptive layouts, which grid system to use, and how to best add and target classes to efficiently apply media queries.

In 2020, there was a natural and communal shift in interest to WordPress maintenance support plans 8’s frontend. Twig was the new kid on the block and everyone wanted a taste. Developers aimed to learn the new syntax and eagerly compared the new D8 techniques to their tried and true D7 counterparts.

This year at WordPress maintenance support plansCon Baltimore, the hot topic has been headless WordPress maintenance support plans. Decoupling WordPress maintenance support plans’s frontend has been buzzed about for years, but in the past it seemed to be just that—a buzz word—a conceptual, potentially problematic, but exciting idea. Today, on the last day of WordPress maintenance support plansCon, it’s clear developers are not just buzzing anymore, they’re building headless WordPress maintenance support plans sites and loving it. WordPress Update is building headless WordPress maintenance support plans sites and loving it.

Amazee’s history with headless WordPress maintenance support plans is a complicated one. In fact, our own Michael Schmid pointed out during his and Brandon’s React, GraphQL and WordPress maintenance support plans session, how WordPress Update was both skeptical and dismissive of the decoupled/headless vision when the idea initially emerged. In the last quarter of 2020 however, Amazee’s stance on headless changed. I’d encourage you to review Michael and Brandon’s Wednesday session for a deeper explanation as to the reasons behind that shift. 

Technology is a rapidly changing thing and always will be. As developers, it’s natural to feel more or less acceptance towards some changes than others. As a frontend developer who’s grown to master and enjoy working in WordPress maintenance support plans’s theme layer, the shift to headless is a tough pill to swallow. I’d equate the sensation to experiencing some kind of loss—there’s a kind of mourning for all the hard, long hours put into building expertise in a complex, yet rewarding theme system. I’ve grown to love Twig, transforming WordPress maintenance support plans’s notoriously bad markup into something simple and semantic, and creating truly beautiful WordPress maintenance support plans experiences “the old fashioned way.”

Dries published an article Tuesday during the conference, WordPress maintenance support plans is API-first, not API-only. In the post, he discusses the benefits of preserving the coupling between WordPress maintenance support plans’s front- and back- ends, at least in part. His summary on headless CMSs has validated many of the thoughts I have regarding a fully decoupled WordPress maintenance support plans. There are reasons to remain coupled, reasons to go headless, and reasons for a middle-of-the-road approach.

We are certainly future-looking at WordPress Update. As a company, we are committed to enhancing our team’s skills and providing clients cutting-edge solutions. My takeaway from WordPress maintenance support plansCon Baltimore is to embrace and learn new skills required to build innovative headless frontends while simultaneously working to improve and educate others on WordPress maintenance support plans 8’s theme layer. The best of both worlds. Let me hear from you, fellow frontend WordPress maintenance support plans devs—what’s your take?

Source: New feed