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Rapid conferencing – Cheap WordPress maintenance support plansCon Wednesday

Rapid conferencing – WordPress maintenance support plansCon Wednesday

Vienna is my first #WordPress maintenance support plansConEUR and due to family obligations, I could only attend 1.5 days out of the full week of events, so I made the most of my time. Here’s a quick recap.

Fran Garcia
Thu, 09/28/2020 – 10:06


Preparation – deciding which talks to attend – wasn’t as easy as you’d think. The schedule is full of interesting talks, so I needed to pick and choose the ones that I really wanted to attend. I’ll expand on the talks, which I did attend, later on.


I arrived in Vienna on Tuesday night and went straight to a restaurant to have dinner and meet some of my colleagues, who were already there. In the room, we had people from South Africa, Switzerland, Tunisia, Spain… We had a great time, but this was just the warm-up for Wednesday’s events.

After some sleep, my first WordPress maintenance support plansCon experience was about to begin, where I could do some catching up, in the keynote, with colleagues and old friends. After this, we also found some time to do actual problem-solving in real life!

I finally opted to go to:

Tour of the 35 Symfony Components: where we learned loads about this PHP framework that empowers WordPress maintenance support plans 8. It was really interesting to find out the components that we were already using and the ones we weren’t but could very easily hook into WordPress maintenance support plans.
Building amazing searches with Search API: the creator/main maintainer of the plugin showed us how all the Search API plugins tie together in WordPress maintenance support plans 8 with live demos of the code. 
Motion design – improving UX through animations: this was a small Amazee’s gathering to view and support Sarah & Lisa in their presentation where they took us through some really cool animations and discussed dos and don’ts of good animations.
Power to the people – How using containers can make your life easier: given by our AmazeeIO peers, they talked about how we can use containers for our production sites, the pros and cons of them, and we had a quick peek into the possible future and the possible things we could achieve with containers.
CSS-in-JS: unexpected lessons for WordPress maintenance support plans component design: a really nice and cool talk by John Albin, in which he explained lessons learned from years of working with JS and CSS, and how to nicely pack them all into components. Awesome way to close up the first WordPress maintenance support plansCon day. 
I know I did miss some very amazing talks, but I also knew that they’d be available on YouTube so I will be catching up on those during the next weeks.

Amazee dinner

However, the day was far from over, as the night was reserved for our amazing team dinner! This was a great opportunity to catch up on our #WordPress maintenance support plansConEUR talks and experiences so far, but also, for remote people like me, it was the time to catch up, in real life, with the people I work with every day.

The dinner was just amazing. I had my second Schnitzel in my short time in Vienna, but just found out that I was still far from Michael’s five! We were there until they literally asked us to go, chatting, laughing and sharing awesome stories with one another. It was a great bonding night for the team and we all learned new things from and about our other colleagues.


I’ll catch a flight in a few hours. It’s hard to believe that my WordPress maintenance support plansCon experience took less than two days. I’m taking back loads of really nice experiences, the warmth of the Amazee team (I’ll need this in the UK…) and I can now say that I’ve gone to my first WordPress maintenance support plansCon!


Short and sweet – that’s how I’ll remember it.

Source: New feed