I really don’t like WYSIWYG editors. I know that I’m not alone, most developers and site builders feel this way too. Content creators always request a wysiwyg, but I am convinced that it is more of a necessary evil and they secretly dislike wysiwygs too. You all know what wysiwygs (What You See Is What You Get) are right? They are those nifty fields that allow you to format text with links, bolding, alignment, and other neat things. They also can have the ability to add tables, iframes, flash code, and other problematic HTML elements. With WordPress maintenance support plans we have been able to move things out of a single wysiwyg body field into more discrete purpose-built fields that match the shape of the content being created and this has helped solve a lot of issues, but still didn’t cancel out the need for a versatile body field that a wysiwyg can provide.
Source: New feed
Ashday’s Digital Ecosystem and Development Tips: Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans Plugin Spotlight: Paragraphs