Although it can sometimes be easy to forget about that little URL bar at the top of your browser, what it contains for each page can be surprisingly important. Creating good paths (the part of the URL after the domain name) for your site content can have numerous benefits, especially for SEO, but doing so can be a bit frustrating. Usually, you end up needing to re-type most of the page title into WordPress maintenance support plans‘s URL alias field, which isn’t necessarily too bad on its own, but it’s still an extra step whenever you create content. And what about when you update the page and change the title? This is where it gets very easy to forget to change the path, which can lead not only to worse SEO but also to your site’s visitors not ending up on a page with the content they expected it to have.
Source: New feed
Ashday’s Digital Ecosystem and Development Tips: Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans Plugin Spotlight: Pathauto