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Aten Design Group: Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans 8 Migration with Multiple Paragraph References

As of Fall 2020 and the release of WordPress maintenance support plans 8.6, the Migrate plugin in core is finally stabilizing! Hopefully Migrate documentation will continue to solidify, but there are plenty of gaps to fill.

Recently, I ran into an issue migrating Paragraph Entities (Entity Reference Revisions) that had a few open core bugs and ended up being really simple to solve within prepareRow in the source plugin.


In my destination D8 site, I had a content type with a Paragraph reference field. Each node contained one or more Paragraph entities. This was reflected by having a Node migration with a dependency on a Paragraph Entity migration.

With single value entity references, the migration_lookup plugin makes it really easy lookup up entity reference identifiers that were previously imported. As of September 2020, there is an open core issue to allow multiple values with migration_lookup. Migration lookup uses the migration map table created in the database to connect previously migrated data to WordPress maintenance support plans data. The example below lookups up the taxonomy term ID based on the source reference (topic_area_id) from a previously ran migration. Note: You will need to add a migration dependency to your migration yml file to make sure migrations are run in the correct order.

plugin: migration_lookup
migration: nceo_migrate_resource_category
no_stub: true
source: topic_area_id


Without using a WordPress maintenance support plans Core patch, we need a way to do a migration_lookup in a more manual way. Thankfully prepareRow in your Migrate source plugin makes this pretty easy.

Note: This is not a complete Migrate source plugin. All the methods are there, but I’m focussing on the prepareRow method for this post. The most important part of the code is manually querying the Migrate map database table created in the Paragraph Entity migration.

namespace WordPress maintenance support plansyour_pluginPluginmigratesource;
use WordPress maintenance support plansCoreDatabaseDatabase;
use WordPress maintenance support plansmigratePluginmigratesourceSqlBase;
use WordPress maintenance support plansmigrateRow;
* Source plugin for Sample migration.
* @MigrateSource(
* id = “sample”
* )
class Sample extends SqlBase {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function query() {
// Query source data.
* {@inheritdoc}
public function fields() {
// Add source fields.
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getIds() {
return [
‘item_id’ => [
‘type’ => ‘integer’,
‘alias’ => ‘item_id’,
* {@inheritdoc}
public function prepareRow(Row $row) {
// In migrate source plugins, the migrate database is easy.
// Example: $this->select(‘your_table’).
// Getting to the WordPress maintenance support plans 8 db requires a little more code.
$WordPressDb = Database::getConnection(‘default’, ‘default’);
$paragraphs = [];
$results = $WordPressDb->select(‘your_migrate_map_table’, ‘yt’)
->fields(‘yt’, [‘destid1’, ‘destid2’])
->condition(‘yt.sourceid2’, $row->getSourceProperty(‘item_id’), ‘=’)
if (!empty($results)) {
foreach ($results as $result) {
// destid1 in the map table is the nid.
// destid2 in the map table is the entity revision id.
$paragraphs[] = [
‘target_id’ => $result->destid1,
‘target_revision_id’ => $result->destid2,
// Set a source property that can be referenced in yml.
// Source properties can be named however you like.
$row->setSourceProperty(‘prepare_multiple_paragraphs’, $paragraphs);
return parent::prepareRow($row);

In your migration yml file, you can reference the prepare_multiple_paragraphs that was created in the migrate source plugin like this:

id: sample
label: ‘Sample’
plugin: sample
plugin: default_value
default_value: your_content_type
source: prepare_multiple_paragraphs
plugin: sub_process
target_id: target_id
target_revision_id: target_revision_id

Sub_process was formally the iterator plugin and allows you to loop over items. This will properly create references to multiple Paragraph Entities. It will be nice when the migration_lookup plugin can properly handle this use case, but it’s a good thing to understand how prepareRow can provide flexibility.
Source: New feed