May 27, 2023 will mark twenty years since WordPress officially launched. Its humble beginnings, a conversation sparked between Matt Mullenweg (an American developer) and Mike Little (a British developer), in a quiet corner of the internet. Its historical content...
Pixeldust WordPress Developer
The Supreme Team builds high-quality websites with custom designs for RAP and HIP-HOP ARTISTS.

Pixeldust WordPress Developer
All Custom Designs
All of our websites are custom built from scratch with the end goal of supporting your brand.
Expert Developers
Our team is composed of professional designers and developers that produce exceptional results.
Advanced SEO
Our advanced On-Page SEO techniques move your website up the ladder in the search rankings.
Mobile Responsive Design
Every project comes with a mobile responsive layout, so your site adapts to all devices.
Update Your Own Content
You can easily update the site content yourself once it’s delivered. No coding is necessary.
WordPress CMS
WordPress is a highly functional and secure content management system that is used for 80% of all websites.
100% Secure
We use the secure socket layer protocol and the best security configurations to protect your site from hackers.
Premium Hosting
With the FREE Website Design your site is hosted on secure servers with a 99.9% uptime.
HIP-HOP Website Inquiry
Fill out the 3-minute questionnaire below to get your website started!
How do we know Rap Artists so well?
Supreme is in the business of marketing artists. Well, we’ve promoted more than 15,000 Rap Artists on all media. We offer website builds so we can build long-term relationships with our Rap Artists. It is in our best interest to make you look good.
Why use WordPress for our Hip-Hop website designs?
WordPress web site design is web development that utilizes the WordPress CMS / framework. It’s easy theme-based design and editing features make it straightforward for customers to maintain their very own websites.

Supremely Optimized Websites
Every website is 100% uniquely built to your brand and optimized for Google ranking success.
- WordPress Website
- Parallax scrolling
- 5 Pages
- Mobile Responsive Layout
- Contact Form
- On-Page SEO Optimization
- XML Sitemap
- PageSpeed Optimization
Pixeldust WordPress Developer
Award Winning Rap Music Marketing Agency
The Supreme Team is an expert website development agency and trusted Pantheon and WPEngine development partner specializing in website SEO services, development, and support. In business since 2000, we have completed over 500 projects for artists all over the world.
Pixeldust WordPress Developer
Here’s what The Supreme Team can do for your music brand.
Once your site goes live, we are still here for you when you need us.
Our developers can take care of updating your WordPress plugins as soon as they need it. We scan for broken links, performance issues, malware, and we do backups .
We Keep Your Site Running Right
Customers hate broken websites. We keep your website running at an optimum level 24/7.
We Fix Broken Layouts
We fix laylout problems with your theme or user interface.
We Feel The Need For Speed
A slow website can cost you thousands in lost revenue. We optimize your site for speed and security.
We Increase Your Conversions
Stop losing potential customers. It’s time to streamline your UX. We do that.
We Add New Content
New pages and content to add? We keep things fresh so you can be a leading voice in your industry.
We Solve Nerd Problems
We have serious nerds who can clean up and minimize those JavaScripts, and fix HTML and CSS issues.
We Know On-Page SEO Secrets
We make incremental improvements to your on-page SEO set-up and configurations.
We Up Your Design Game
Permanently deleted posts still exist
So, I deleted multiple post of type page (sent them to trash, went to trash and permanently deleted them), but one of my functions didn't work like it was supposed to so I went and investigated, it was because the post_exists( $slug , '', '', 'page') returned a truthy...
WP5.9 add external script to FSE template
I want to add an external JS script to my FSE template ONA. I try to put it on header.html bug nothing happen in the source code... Do u have any ideas ? Example <!-- wp:group...
Generate a QR code when creating a new WordPress user
I know that you can use the show_user_profile, edit_user_profile, personal_options_update and edit_user_profile_update to add and manage additional fields in user profiles. In a site I'm developing, I need to add a new field in user profiles to store a QR code that...
Buy Paid Plugins Directly on
For users on our Business and eCommerce Plans, plugins are a critical part of the experience. We’re always looking for ways to simplify the process of discovering and installing powerful WordPress plugins. As a result, we’re now making it possible to...
Woocommerce – open single product tab on button click [closed]
On my single product page I have button where I want to open default product tab named "description" on click on specific button with id="cely-popis". This should perform only when another tab is active than "decription"....
add_filter page_template more than once in plugin
Why can't I use add_filter('page_template') more than once in my plugin? What can I do to solve the problem? add_filter('page_template', 'my_plugin_login_page'); function my_plugin_login_page($login_template) { $plugin_option = get_option('login_settings');...
Add Rewrite Endpoint to CPT Archive
I have a Custom Post Type with a hierarchical taxonomy archive and want to add an endpoint page called "infopage" to each term in the archive. e.g. or etc. I don't want...
Can my server handle 360 sites on multisite wordpress? [closed]
I have a network of 360 website on a multisite wordpress 5.4.9 : PHP 7.4 Ovh Public Cloud b2-30 (30 Gb RAM, 8 vCore, 200 Gb SSD) Debian 10.11 Plesk Obsidian 18.0.40 All sites are almost basic and simple, with no high traffic nor frequent updates. I wonder if the...
How to delete all instances of the image using REST API
When I post an image to WordPress, it is reproduced automatically to multiple images of different sizes. For example, when I upload image1.png, it is uploaded as multiple images as such: image1.png (Original) image1-167x93.png (Resized) image1-340x180.png (Resized)...
No data saved to database (from PHP based API call)
I got the following code in my functions.php add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_get_cars_from_api', 'get_cars_from_api'); add_action('wp_ajax_get_cars_from_api', 'get_cars_from_api'); function get_cars_from_api() { $url =...
Change admin_title of a plugin using code snippet/functions
Been trying to figure out a good method to change the browser tab/window title for a backend admin page for a plugin. I've tried a slew of plugins, including Admin Meu Editor Pro, and for whatever reason, it's just not sticking. Can anybody help? Here is a code I...
Editing my loop-page.php causes posts to show on all pages
I am working on a project where I needed to list out blog posts when I hit a particular page. Originally I was just using the base code in my loop-page.php file. To do that I was using: <?php the_content(); ?> This worked great but then I had to do some...
11 Header Types You Can Create With Divi
The website’s header is usually the first thing your visitors will see when they land on your website. It loads first, so it’s your visitor’s first impression of your site. As always, you want the best first impression you can get. This means we should always pay...
3 404 Redirect To Similar Post WordPress Plugins
Page Not Found Errors (404) are pretty common. Many webmasters go out of their way to give their 404 page an attractive look. Redirecting your 404 URLs to similar posts is an idea worth exploring. They can help retain your visitors longer. Here are 3 404 redirect to...
3 404 Redirect To Similar Post WordPress Plugins
Page Not Found Errors (404) are pretty common. Many webmasters go out of their way to give their 404 page an attractive look. Redirecting your 404 URLs to similar posts is an idea worth exploring. They can help retain your visitors longer. Here are 3 404 redirect to...
How to Migrate From Squarespace to WordPress (7 Steps)
Squarespace is an intuitive platform that makes it easy to create simple websites and online stores. However, its features are limited. So, you may be looking for a more flexible solution, like WordPress. Sleep better at night with Kinsta’s premium WordPress hosting...
#11 – Vinny McKee on His Block Builder Plugin
About this episode. On the podcast today we have Vinny McKee. He’s the creator of the Wicked Block Builder plugin, which is a tool to make the job of creating your own custom blocks as easy as possible. I’m sure that you know that WordPress’ editor is all about...
5 Best Practices For Image SEO
Images are not just on your website for visual appeal, or to encourage engagement with your content; they also play a role in ensuring robust SEO, when properly optimised for search engines. In this week’s must-read, we cover the essentials of image SEO in a WordPress...
Custom URL for multiple categories hierarchy
I belive it's not a duplicate. None of "solutions" I found for similiar issues worked for me. Let's assume I have following hierarchy of wordpress post's categories: - Foo - Bar1 - Bar2 - Bar3 What's more, I have 3 posts: Hello World // belongs to category...
Order by two meta values – one is a number and the other is text
Based on multiple searches, this is the code I'm trying to sort by two different meta key values. 'meta_query' => array( 'relation' => 'AND', 'listing_order' => array( 'key' => 'atsc_bod_listing_order', 'compare' => 'EXISTS', ), 'last_name' => array(...
The 5 Best Watch Store WordPress WordPress Themes
Create the perfect eCommerce store to sell watches, jewelry, and handcrafted products with one these watch shop WordPress themes.
Why And How To Create Subdomain In Cloudways Hosting?
Have you ever created subdomains for your main domain? What are its benefits? And how to create Subdomain in Cloudways hosting? Let’s see all the details in this post. As you know, a subdomain is an extension of the main domain, and the search engine considers...
How to Redirect WordPress from HTTP to HTTPS
By now, you’ve surely heard that your website prefix should be HTTPS, not HTTP. Changing your website URL’s prefix from HTTP to HTTPS is an important step in securing your website overall, improving your page rank and SEO trustworthiness, and giving your users (and...
Supreme Team | 106 E 6th, Austin, TX 78701 | [email protected]