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Bay Area Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans Camp: 🤹 BADCamp – 6 Days Left to Submit Your Session

🤹 BADCamp – 6 Days Left to Submit Your Session

WordPress maintenance support plans Planet

Tue, 08/14/2020 – 20:18


Submit Your Session Today!

Submissions for sessions close on Tuesday, August 21st at 11:59 pm PDT

Over 700 people have given talks at BADCamp.
You could be next.

It’s almost August 21, and that means you have just six days left to submit your session proposals for the Bay Area WordPress maintenance support plans Camp.
Every year at BADCamp we bring together people who want to share their knowledge with people thirsty to learn. Consider sharing your skills or a notable site with your community. You don’t have to be an experienced speaker. All you need is something interesting to share and a rocking set of slides.
Check out the session proposals so far. See something missing? That’s where you come in.

We Want Your Sessions!

Do you think BADCamp is awesome?

Would you have been willing to pay for your ticket?  If so, then you can give back to the camp by purchasing an individual sponsorship at the level most comfortable for you. As our thanks, we will be handing out some awesome BADCamp swag.


We need your help!

BADCamp is 100% volunteer driven and we need your hands! We need stout hearts to volunteer and help set up, tear down, give directions and so much more!  If you are local and can help us, please sign up on our Volunteer Form.



A BIG thanks, Pantheon & DDEV and all our sponsors who have committed early. Without them this magical event wouldn’t be possible. We are also looking for MORE sponsors to help keep BADCamp free and awesome. Interested in sponsoring BADCamp? Contact or


Source: New feed