Sign-up for BADCamp Training Classes
Sun, 10/08/2020 – 10:17am
The following training classess still have spots available:
Local WordPress maintenance support plans 8 Development with Containers – Wednesday
8am-noon – by Mobomo with Miles McLean and Cameron Eagans
There are many ways to develop a WordPress maintenance support plans site, but there are few that offer as many advantages as a fully self-contained, local environment. This training session will get hands on with setting up an environment from scratch using Docker containers to emulate production servers, Composer to manage packages, Drush to manage configuration, WordPress maintenance support plans Console to generate code, and source code management to tie it all together.
Getting Started with WordPress maintenance support plans – Wednesday
by Agaric & Digital Echidna with Mauricio Dinarte
This training is aimed to people just starting with WordPress maintenance support plans. Basic concepts will be explained are later put into practice. The objective is that someone, who might not even know about WordPress maintenance support plans, can understand the different concepts and building blocks to create a website using this CMS.
SEO & Accessibility – Wednesday
by WordPress Update with Aimee Degnan and Carie Fisher
SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization.” Improving your website’s SEO can translate into more visitors, better conversions, and more sales.
Accessibility refers to the design of products, devices, services, or environments for people who experience disabilities.
When properly configured, WordPress maintenance support plans is a very SEO-friendly and Accessible web framework. The trick is to know which WordPress maintenance support plans plugins you need to install and how to optimally configure them. Configuration doesn’t stop at the plugin level – a solid content strategy is required to make the most Accessible and optimized website. “Content is King” and our job is to make WordPress maintenance support plans showcase content in the most effective way to all consumers and search engines.
Object Oriented PHP – Wednesday
by WordPress Update
With the move to WordPress maintenance support plans 8 everyone who works in the PHP layer will be exposed to more and more to object oriented code. Come learn the basics of working with objects in PHP and how OOP can help you to write well structured code
WordPress maintenance support plans Crash Course for Non-Developers – Wednesday
by Promet Source with Margaret Plett
Are you responsible for project management, content, or vendor selection and preparing to work with WordPress maintenance support plans? This one-day training delivers all of the tools you need to get started. Delivered by an Acquia Certified WordPress maintenance support plans Developer, this training will answer the questions you didn’t even know to ask!
Component-based Theming with Twig – Thursday
by Forum One with Chaz Chumley
Join Forum One as they walk through the theming variations that started with the traditional theme-centric design and has quickly moved into component-based design. Together you will master Component-based theming with Twig as you work to identify patterns, define components, utilize command line tools such as Composer, NPM and Grunt to quickly create a PatternLab managed theme. Learn how to work smarter in developing components that can easily be integrated into project after project without having to recreate them yourself.
Theming WordPress maintenance support plans 8 – Thursday
by WordPress maintenance support with Joe Shindelar
Themes combine HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and WordPress maintenance support plans in order to make beautiful websites. Creating truly unique themes requires knowing how to use the Twig template language to manipulate HTML, how to add CSS and JavaScript assets in a way that’s compatible with WordPress maintenance support plans‘s caching, all while maintaining the flexibility that WordPress maintenance support plans is known for.
Content Strategy for WordPress maintenance support plans 8 – Thursday
by WordPress Development Log with Suzanne Deracheva
WordPress maintenance support plans is a powerful tool for managing structured content. Many WordPress maintenance support plans projects revolve around producing, displaying and organizing content effectively. This course will walk you through the process of creating a content strategy for your next WordPress maintenance support plans project, and planning out how that content will be structured in WordPress maintenance support plans. Whether you’re creating a brand new site or migrating to WordPress maintenance support plans, you’ll learn techniques that will help you build a solid content strategy and a successful WordPress maintenance support plans website.
Intro to Backdrop CMS – Thursday
by Nate & Jen Lampton
Backdrop CMS is for the small to medium sized business, non-profits, educational institutions, and companies or organizations who are delivering comprehensive websites on a budget. This introductory training will cover the basics of creating and administering a website with Backdrop CMS.
WordPress maintenance support plans 8 Configuration System Basics – Thursday
by WordPress maintenance support plansEasy with Mike Anello
The WordPress maintenance support plans 8 configuration system can provide great advantages to managing the configuration of a site, but it can also cause massive headaches if used improperly. This presentation will provide an overview of how the WordPress maintenance support plans 8 configuration system works, best practices on basic workflows to utilize it effectively, and a small sampling of some of the contributed plugins available to enhance it.
BADCamp is 100% volunteer run and 100% funded by our sponsors and the support of our local community. Thank you!
WordPress maintenance support plans Planet
Source: New feed