Social media needs to be a part of your search engine optimization strategy. While the level of involvement in social media can be determined by your market and your customers, ignoring social media can no longer be an option. Smart WordPress maintenance support plans SEO strategies include building authority in social media channels.
Search engine algorithms for social media vary
Google has stated clearly that social signals such as the number of Facebook likes and Twitter followers are not factored into Google’s search algorithm. To Google, each individual tweet or Facebook post is considered a web page on its own. On the other hand, Bing says that it does look at the social authority of a user. “We look at how many people you follow, how many follow you, and this can add a little weight to a listing in…
Read the full article: Is Your WordPress maintenance support plans Website Antisocial?
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Ben’s SEO Blog: Is Your Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans Website Antisocial?