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Can’t add front end script file using block.json for a custom block

I’ve used @wordpress/create-block to create a block in a plugin. I can edit, save, view blocks in the editor from all the files created, but when I try to add a script that will show on the front end, I can’t figure out how to enqueue it properly. In block.JSON, these all enqueue properly:

"editorScript": "file:./build/index.js",
"editorStyle": "file:./build/index.css",
"style": "file:./build/style-index.css",

But when I try and add a front end script as pointed out in the Block Editor Handbook

"script": "file:./build/script.js"

Nothing loads. There is a line on the block editor handbook link above "From a performance perspective, when themes support lazy loading assets, blocks registered with block.json will have their asset enqueuing optimized out of the box." I’m not sure what that ‘theme support for lazy loading assets’ is referencing, and if this is the issue.

Nothing I do will get script.js to load in back or front end when adding to block.json. I’m probably missing something simple, but am unable to find a working example.

I left out a few key details: I’m loading multiple blocks with one plugin, so I have different build and start scripts in the package.json for each block. I had to add the scripts.js file to the start script in package.json to get it to appear

in my package.json before:

"start:scroll-down": "wp-scripts start blocks/scroll-down/src/index.js --output-path=blocks/scroll-down/build/",
"build:scroll-down": "wp-scripts build blocks/scroll-down/src/index.js --output-path=blocks/scroll-down/build/",

in my package.json after realizing it was the start/build script:

"start:scroll-down": "wp-scripts start blocks/scroll-down/src/index.js blocks/scroll-down/src/script.js --output-path=blocks/scroll-down/build/",
"build:scroll-down": "wp-scripts build blocks/scroll-down/src/index.js blocks/scroll-down/src/script.js --output-path=blocks/scroll-down/build/",

This gets it loading, but it’s loading on every page, even those without the custom block.