I’d like to be able to edit the description/help text that appears beneath the field in the CMS page editor for a custom post type.
I know I can change the name and button/link text by passing items into the labels
array in register post type.
'featured_image' => __('Foo'),
'set_featured_image' => __('Set Foo'),
'remove_featured_image' => __('Remove Foo'),
'use_featured_image' => __('Use as Foo')
But is there a way to add to edit the help text that displays beneath the field? It says “Click the image to edit or update” if an image is selected. I’d like to add further instructions as to precisely what kind of image to use.
Ideally this text should appear before an image is selected as well as after. But I’d settle for being able to edit the text that shows after.