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Create action running on trashed_post hook to modify post_meta value

I have a custom post type that always do math operation to its post_meta and other custom post type post_meta.

For example:

There’s a cpt_product with cpt_pm_product_stock = 100, frontend operation enable specific user made order by inserting new cpt_product with post_meta cpt_product_order of 10 will substract cpt_pm_product_stock to 90

100 cpt_pm_product_stock – 10 cpt_product_order = 90 cpt_pm_product_stock

cancelling order will delete/trash the cpt_product and cpt_product_order, and cpt_pm_product_stock should back to 100.

Which action hook should used for this operation? Is it trashed_post?

I didn’t find any answer on codex, is empty

Thanks in advance for an answer. 😉