The code below displays related products based on attributes and works fine. add_action( 'woocommerce_after_single_product_summary', 'custom_output_product_collection', 12 ); function custom_output_product_collection(){ ## --- YOUR SETTINGS --- ## $attribute =...
The Supreme Team builds high-quality websites with custom designs for RAP and HIP-HOP ARTISTS.

All Custom Designs
All of our websites are custom built from scratch with the end goal of supporting your brand.
Expert Developers
Our team is composed of professional designers and developers that produce exceptional results.
Advanced SEO
Our advanced On-Page SEO techniques move your website up the ladder in the search rankings.
Mobile Responsive Design
Every project comes with a mobile responsive layout, so your site adapts to all devices.
Update Your Own Content
You can easily update the site content yourself once it’s delivered. No coding is necessary.
WordPress CMS
WordPress is a highly functional and secure content management system that is used for 80% of all websites.
100% Secure
We use the secure socket layer protocol and the best security configurations to protect your site from hackers.
Premium Hosting
With the FREE Website Design your site is hosted on secure servers with a 99.9% uptime.
HIP-HOP Website Inquiry
Fill out the 3-minute questionnaire below to get your website started!
How do we know Rap Artists so well?
Supreme is in the business of marketing artists. Well, we’ve promoted more than 15,000 Rap Artists on all media. We offer website builds so we can build long-term relationships with our Rap Artists. It is in our best interest to make you look good.
Why use WordPress for our Hip-Hop website designs?
WordPress web site design is web development that utilizes the WordPress CMS / framework. It’s easy theme-based design and editing features make it straightforward for customers to maintain their very own websites.

Supremely Optimized Websites
Every website is 100% uniquely built to your brand and optimized for Google ranking success.
- WordPress Website
- Parallax scrolling
- 5 Pages
- Mobile Responsive Layout
- Contact Form
- On-Page SEO Optimization
- XML Sitemap
- PageSpeed Optimization
Award Winning Rap Music Marketing Agency
The Supreme Team is an expert website development agency and trusted Pantheon and WPEngine development partner specializing in website SEO services, development, and support. In business since 2000, we have completed over 500 projects for artists all over the world.
Here’s what The Supreme Team can do for your music brand.
Once your site goes live, we are still here for you when you need us.
Our developers can take care of updating your WordPress plugins as soon as they need it. We scan for broken links, performance issues, malware, and we do backups .
We Keep Your Site Running Right
Customers hate broken websites. We keep your website running at an optimum level 24/7.
We Fix Broken Layouts
We fix laylout problems with your theme or user interface.
We Feel The Need For Speed
A slow website can cost you thousands in lost revenue. We optimize your site for speed and security.
We Increase Your Conversions
Stop losing potential customers. It’s time to streamline your UX. We do that.
We Add New Content
New pages and content to add? We keep things fresh so you can be a leading voice in your industry.
We Solve Nerd Problems
We have serious nerds who can clean up and minimize those JavaScripts, and fix HTML and CSS issues.
We Know On-Page SEO Secrets
We make incremental improvements to your on-page SEO set-up and configurations.
We Up Your Design Game
MongoDB vs MySQL: Which Is the Better Database Management System?
With a variety of databases available in the market, users often get into a debate over MongoDB vs MySQL to suss out the better option. Discover how Kinsta customers are seeing up to a 200% increase in performance. Learn more Organizations that use a relational...
wp_update_term_count_now doesn’t work with a custom post type?
I have a custom post type name session and a tag name post_tag. This is the declaration of my custom post type : function create_posttype() { register_post_type( 'session', array( 'labels' => array( 'name' => __('Sessions'), 'singular_name' => __('Session'),...
Can You Sell NFTs With WordPress – Building an NFT Datasource for FooGallery #BuildInPublic
NFTs are so hot right now! I don’t own any myself, but there is a lot of hype around them at the moment within the web3 space. What is web3 anyway? To be honest, I’m not really sure, but I have done some looking into how to sell NFTs, specifically on some...
Fetch user related data
In my WordPress installation every User has an Organization. I am fetching user data using get_user_meta ($user->ID). With these data I can fetch Organization ID. Organizations are saved as Custom Post. How can I fetch Organization name ?
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Best Fashion WordPress Themes 2022
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How to Choose the Perfect Font for Your WordPress Website
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How to Compress an Animated GIF
Optimizing your website for faster performance is more important than ever. Website users expect a seamless user experience and SERPs favor sites that load quickly. As a result, you need to optimize your images, including GIFs, for site performance. If you’re...
How To Style Each Post With A Different Background Color On Your Home Page Loop
This code adds a color picker to the Edit Post screen enabling you to set the background color for each post ( Not the front page archive page background ) without adding CSS, editing default code or using any plugins. It styles each posts entry class on your archive...
WordPress not displaying columns to hide/show on screen options
I have installed Wordpress 5.8.3 which is at the moment the latest version available. I'm trying to hide certain columns within the posts dashboard, but for some reason I doesn't have the option to do that, see: As you can see I have only the pagination options, but...
7 Best Identity Theft Protection Services for Small Business (2022)
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15 Nightlife WordPress Themes 2022 You Should Choose
Whether you want to start a blog, software design business website, or another business niche. Your primary goal is only to stand out from the crowd. Therefore, we have come up with the best Nightlife WordPress Themes that you can consider hassle-free. These WordPress...
WordPress as a Commons
Lesley Sim
Meeting all wonderful WordPress people in person is really incredible
Dario Jazbec Hrvatin Today, we are going to list the interview of Dario Jazbec Hrvatin from Slovenia. He is a Documentation Manager at OnTheGoSystems. In the interview, Dario mentioned that he is into two things, first is music and another is computers. Twitter...
Can Five for the Future Fund WordPress Research?
Many of the big companies in tech have a practice of issuing annual Calls for Proposals for research into key questions relevant to their industry and the toughest challenges they face. Microsoft, Google, IBM, and Amazon all sponsor research awards and academic...
Front-End Performance in WordPress
Want WordPress to run faster? In this webinar, you will learn how to think about front-end performance, as well as the tools and tactics to…
BuddyPress 10.0.0 Released, Introduces Site Membership Requests and Visual Improvements to Activity Logs
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10 Product Page Design Tips for WordPress
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Quick Draft widget in weird place on dashboard after being re-added
My WP host disables the Quick Draft box by default, but I want to add it to my dashboard again. I got it to show up by adding the following to my functions.php. But as you can see from the screenshot it's showing up in the top left-hand corner, underneath the sidebar....
Create Todo and Checklists in the WordPress Editor With New Plugin
Todo lists. Checklists. While there are differences in their purposes, their output is essentially the same. They are lists of items with boxes to tick off, and a plugin like David Towoju’s Todo Block allows users to create them. Todo Block I first downloaded...
9+ Plumber WordPress Themes for Making a Plumbing Solutions Website
The following article is related to the Best Plumber WordPress themes that can be used for building a plumbing solution website. Everyone wants to have a standard and beautiful looking place to stay with well designed structure and all proper arrangements of power and...
How do I Populate a Table Field with User Meta Data?
I'm very new to this and hoping this is an easy question. I'm trying to populate a row field with the organization name. The organization name is in the usermeta table. <?php break; case 'col_organization': ?> <td <?php echo $attributes; ?>><?php...
Free Responsive WordPress Themes for Mobile Friendly Websites
Listing free responsive WordPress themes for your reference: Before you start with a business, it is essential that you pick the right platform to publish it to gain the most views. To cause the most uproar about the product you’re representing. You want to...
Supreme Team | 106 E 6th, Austin, TX 78701 | [email protected]