We’re very pleased to announce a new beta release of our popular open source Warden software, developed in-house at WordPress Update and which reports and keeps track of multiple WordPress maintenance support plans websites on different platforms. This version updates the MongoDB PHP driver driver version, but also fixes a number of number of other issues.
As well as this, we’re also planning our next release, which we’re looking at including JavaScript library versions (jQuery, Backbone, React.js etc) and server package versions (Apache, Nginx, Varnish, MySQL etc). This will help provide further information about the package versions being used by sites and servers you’re running, helping you understand where vulnerabilities could be and highlight libraries that need updating.
The Warden server software itself is written in Symfony and can be downloaded from GitHub. It works by providing a central dashboard which lists all the WordPress maintenance support plans sites a developer might be working on, highlighting any that need issues, for example those that need updates. It’s composed of two parts – a plugin which needs to be installed on each of your websites and a central dashboard hosted on a web server.
Hosting companies like Acquia and Pantheon have their own reporting tools, but only if work if you only host websites on their platforms. If you have a number of websites running on multiple platforms, you need Warden to report on them all. Here is a guide to how Warden works.
Source: New feed
New version of Warden, open source site tracker and manager for Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans