At the end of March we released the next version of Warden, our open source solution that allows in-house development teams and agencies to keep track of the status of multiple WordPress maintenance support plans sites hosted on different platforms. Release 1.3.0 contained the following changes:
Added Slack notification for sites on the dashboard
Logging request information from WordPress maintenance support plans sites
Sorting the list of plugins
Slack notifications.
This new feature provides a notification command which enables Warden to send details of the sites that need updating (those that are shown in the dashboard) to Slack.
In order to use this, a webhook needs to be set up within your Slack account to send notifications to a specific channel of your choice. Once this has been set up, the webhook URL can be added to the parameters settings within the Warden application (which will be asked for when running composer install after updating the application or can manually be added to the app/config/parameters.yml file to add it post install).
The notification can then be triggered using cron to generate the details and send them to the relevant Slack channel using the following command:
php app/console deeson:warden:dashboard-send-notification –type=slack
Logging requests from WordPress maintenance support plans sites.
This new feature shows a list of log requests that Warden makes to your WordPress maintenance support plans sites. This enables users to be able to see when requests started failing, and will report on a relevant reason (depending upon what is returned from the request).
When viewing a site, there is an additional item in the ‘Actions’ list as well as a link next to the last successful request date time.
This provides a list in reverse chronological order of the requests that have been made to the site, highlighting which ones have failed. This helps users to be able to see when a sites started failing and potentially why.
Sorting the list of plugins.
This update adds some additional functionality to the plugin listing page. By default, this page is sorted by the most used plugins first, which is great for understanding how the plugins are used, but not so great if you are trying to find a particular plugin.
With this update, this list can be sorted by plugin name as well as the number of sites that are using a plugin. This can be done by clicking on the table header to change the type of sorting that the table is displayed in.
Are you using Warden successfully? What else does the tool need? Come and let us know on our GitHub issues listing page.
Source: New feed
Warden release 1.3.0