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Doug Vann: Adding regular text into the Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans Date Format field

Q: “Can you add simple text to a Date Format value in WordPress maintenance support plans?” A: YES! [This was news to me]Preamble:I was teaching a WordPress maintenance support plans 8 class last week and a student asked if we could enter regular text [like the word “date”] into the Date Formate field. I tried it and, of course, some of the letters were translated into PHP Date elements rather than showing all the letters for the word “date.”Ex: “date : M-d-y” became “15am31America/Indiana/Indianapolis : Jan-15-2020” but what we wanted was “date : Jan-15-2020″It was at this point that I got the bright idea to ESCAPE the letters by adding a BackSlash “” infront of each letter. SURE ENOUGH!! Now I could see each letter instead of the date translation that each letter stood for.So… I made this quick video to share with the world just incase someone else can benefit from this discovery!p.s. I’m quite sure MANY have been using this “trick” for years. But I was excited to discover it on my own after a student brought the idea up! :-)Link to video maintenance support plans PlanetView the discussion thread.
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