It’s been 19 months since my last blog!What better way to break the silence than with a new blog post with a video!?!?! My goal for 2020 is to create a couple WordPress maintenance support plans 8 videos a week and announce them with a blog post here at Plugin reiews, How-tos, Demos, & MORE. I’m also taking REQUESTS! What do you want to see? Be sure to let me know! I still run into A LOT of people who could use assistance creating there 1st WordPress maintenance support plans site. So, for them I am starting my 2020 series with a short and sweet video on launching a FREE WordPress maintenance support plans 8 site on Pantheon. It is free, It is easy. And it is my primary preference for all of my WordPress maintenance support plans clients. Follow along and see how easy it is to get a Fully Functional WordPress maintenance support plans 8 site up and running.Future topics will range from more Beginner topics as well as Intermediate and Advanced. So don’t worry if this first offering doesn’t apply to you.YouTube Link –> enjoy this embedded video player: If you’re not new, then share this with someone who is. And stay tuned for more videos! VideosWordPress maintenance support plans PlanetView the discussion thread.
Source: New feed
Doug Vann: Easily Install Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans 8 on Pantheon for FREE