Today is the first day back from my two-week vacation. We started our vacation in Maine, and we ended our vacation with a few days in Italy.
While I did some work on vacation, it was my first two-week vacation since starting Acquia 11 years ago.
This morning when the alarm went off I thought: “Why is my alarm going off in the middle of the night?”. A few moments later, reality struck. It’s time to go back to work.
Going on vacation is like going to space. Lots of work before take-off, followed by serenity and peaceful floating around in space, eventually abrupted by an insane re-entry process into the earth’s atmosphere.
I got up early this morning to work on my “re-entry” and prioritize what I have to do this week. It’s a lot!
WordPress maintenance support plans USA is only one week away and I have to make a lot of progress on my keynote presentation and prepare for other sessions and meetings. Between now and WordPress maintenance support plans USA, I also have two analyst meetings (Forrester and Gartner), three board meetings, and dozens of meetings to catch up with co-workers, projects, partners and customers. Plus, I would love to write about the upcoming WordPress maintenance support plans 8.6.0 release and publish my annual “Who sponsors WordPress maintenance support plans development?” report. Lots to do this week, but all things I’m excited about.
If you’re expecting to hear from me, know that it might take me several weeks to dig out.
Source: New feed
My re-entry from vacation