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Dynamic CPT permalink structure based on ACF field value

There are already few questions on this topic but they are not helping my problem. So what I want to achieve is dynamic CPT permalink structure based on the ACF (radio) value.

// _cb stands for checkbox
radio_acf_cb = foo
radio_acf_cb = bar

Depending on what’s the user’s choice the permalink would look like this

// fixed_word is the first part of the permalink which will be static
// foo/bar are the values based on the choice from the ACF
// 123 is the post ID // if foo is chosen // if bar is chosen

Here’s what I tried so far:

add_filter( 'post_type_link', 'so51217355_post_type_link', 10, 2 );

function so51217355_post_type_link( $permalink, $post ) {

    if ( 'my_cpt' === $post->post_type ) {

        $choice = get_field('foo_bar', $post->ID) // foo or bar

        $choice_slug = $choice == 'foo' ? $choce : 'bar';

        if ( $choice_slug ) {
            // This would give me
            // or
            $permalink = '/fixed_word/' . $choice_slug . $post->ID;


    return $permalink;

Now I know that I need to write some custom rewrite rule with add_rewrite_rule() but I am not sure how to set the conditions.