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Enqueue custom css file on specific page

So I’ve been messing with this for a while now and I don’t understand how I’m unable to pull in my style file properly by registering and calling it at all.

Here is my method:

public static function register_styles()
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', function() {
        global $post;

        if (is_page('foodies')) {

            //Adding stylesheets
            wp_register_style('profile-style', '/Users/smajlovs/Sites/newsacfoodies/htdocs/wp-content/mu-plugins/sacfoodies/styles/style.css');

            //Enqueue the style
            wp_enqueue_style('profile-style', '/Users/smajlovs/Sites/newsacfoodies/htdocs/wp-content/mu-plugins/sacfoodies/styles/style.css');

        if ($post->post_type == 'profile') {
            echo 'Hello! I am the register_styles method on the profile custom post type page';


Within my main sacfoodies.php file, I’m calling Profile::register_styles().

The confusing part is, the var_dump that I have inside that function actually dumps out the hello on that page as shown here:

var_dump(wp_enqueue_style('profile-style')); returns null

So does anyone know why my enqueue register and call won’t render my style.css file? I have the absolute path in there for testing purposes and nothing.