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Cheap WordPress EU cookie implementation in Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans 8

In this blog we are going to talk about one such functionality. We were required to implement EU cookie functionality in WordPress maintenance support plans 8. EU cookie is mandatory for all USAan websites. There are many solutions available online to implement this feature, I used JavaScript for this task and it worked like a charm.

This is how it works.


First we need to get the required JavaScript code from as per our required consent popup. Once the code is retrieved, we need to convert this plain JavaScript into the WordPress maintenance support plans 8 format.


For our implementation we needed to create a configuration form for settings. Along with that we were also required to add configuration to change scroll length after which the cookie popup would disappear. To make it EU specific we had to get the continent code from the API.


Step 1: Create form.php in src/form containing form of settings in your plugin:



* @file

* Contains WordPress maintenance support planspluginFormSettingsForm.


namespace WordPress maintenance support planspluginForm;

use WordPress maintenance support plansCoreFormConfigFormBase;

use WordPress maintenance support plansCoreFormFormStateInterface;


* Form builder for the plugin basic settings form.


class SettingsForm extends ConfigFormBase {


* {@inheritdoc}


public function getFormId() {

return ‘plugin_settings_form’;



* {@inheritdoc}


protected function getEditableConfigNames() {

return [‘plugin.settings’];



* {@inheritdoc}


public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {

$config = $this->config(‘plugin .settings’);

$form[‘activate’] = array(

‘#type’ => ‘checkbox’,

‘#title’ => $this->t(‘Activate Cookie Consent’),

‘#default_value’ => $config->get(‘activate’),

‘#description’ => $this->t(‘Cookie consent notification for site can be enabled or disabled from here.’),


$form[‘eu_consent_pop_msg’] = array(

‘#type’ => ‘textarea’,

‘#title’ => $this->t(‘Set message for cookie consent popup’),

‘#default_value’ => $config->get(‘eu_consent_pop_msg’),

‘#description’ => $this->t(‘Cookie consent pop up message can be set from here.’),


$form[‘eu_consent_pop_scroll’] = array(

‘#type’ => ‘textfield’,

‘#title’ => $this->t(‘Set scroll length (pixels)’),

‘#default_value’ => $config->get(‘eu_consent_pop_scroll’),

‘#description’ => $this->t(‘Set after scrolling how many pixels the popup should disappear. Ex: 500’),


return parent::buildForm($form, $form_state);



* {@inheritdoc}


public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {

parent::submitForm($form, $form_state);

$config = $this->config(‘plugin.settings’);

$config->set(‘activate’, $form_state->getValue(‘activate’));

$config->set(‘eu_consent_pop_msg’, $form_state->getValue(‘eu_consent_pop_msg’));

$config->set(‘eu_consent_pop_scroll’, $form_state->getValue(‘eu_consent_pop_scroll’));





Step 2: Define a controller in plugin/src/controller. This will have functions that retrieve country code from API. The config setting determines if EU cookie is enabled or not:



* @file

* Contains WordPress maintenance support planspluginControllerEuCookie.


namespace WordPress maintenance support planspluginController;

use WordPress maintenance support plansCoreControllerControllerBase;

use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationJsonResponse;

use GuzzleHttpClient;


* Class EuCookie.


* @package WordPress maintenance support planspluginController


class EuCookie extends ControllerBase {


* Autocomplete.


public function continent() {

$ip_eu_consent = WordPress maintenance support plans::request()->getClientIp();

$config_status = WordPress maintenance support plans::config(‘plugin .settings’)->get(‘activate’);

if($config_status == 1) {

$continent_code[‘consent’] = $this::eucookie_get_country_code($ip_eu_consent);

if (WordPress maintenance support plans::currentUser()->isAnonymous()) {

$continent_code[‘isanon’] = true;

} else {

$continent_code[‘isanon’] = false;



return JsonResponse::create($continent_code);



* Get continent code from external free service for eu consent.


function eucookie_get_country_code($ip_eu_consent) {

try {

$uri = ‘’ . $ip_eu_consent;

$client = WordPress maintenance support plans::httpClient([‘base_url’ => $uri]);

$request = $client->request(‘GET’, $uri, [‘timeout’ => 5, ‘headers’ => [‘Accept’ => ‘application/json’]]);

if ($request->getStatusCode() == 200) {

$response = json_decode($request->getBody());

if (empty($response)) {

return [];


else {

return ($response->geoplugin_continentCode);



else {

return [];



catch (GuzzleHttpExceptionClientException $e) {

$message = $e->getMessage() . ‘. Make sure you provided correct IP to get country code .’;

WordPress maintenance support plans::logger(‘plugin_get_country_code’)->notice($message);

return [];





Step 3: Add hook page attachment alter to get variables defined in config and send them to js:


function hook_page_attachments_alter(&$page) {

$ip_eu_consent = WordPress maintenance support plans::request()->getClientIp();

$config_status = WordPress maintenance support plans::config(‘plugin.settings’)->get(‘activate’);

$mesage_consent = WordPress maintenance support plans::config(‘plugin.settings’)->get(‘eu_consent_pop_msg’);

$scroll_length = WordPress maintenance support plans::config(‘plugin.settings’)->get(‘eu_consent_pop_scroll’);

if($config_status == 1) {



$page[‘#attached’][‘library’][] = ‘path to library’;

$page[‘#attached’][‘WordPressSettings’][‘message_eu_consent’] = $mesage_consent;

$page[‘#attached’][‘WordPressSettings’][‘eu_consent_pop_scroll’] = $scroll_length;




Step 4: Routing file, with route to retrieve settings form and get the continent code via ajax:


path: ‘/admin/config/eucookie’


_form: ‘WordPress maintenance support planspluginFormSettingsForm’

_title: ‘EUCookie settings’


_permission: ‘administer site configuration’


path: ‘/ajax/continent’


_controller: ‘WordPress maintenance support planspluginControllerEuCookie::continent’

_title: ‘ajax continent’


_permission: ‘access content’

Step 5: Add js below in custom/js as condition for scroll, get defined variables from config and display EU cookie popup.

(function($) {

‘use strict’;

WordPress maintenance support plans.behaviors.plugineuconsent = {

attach: function(context, settings) {

$(document).scroll(function() {

var scroll_len = WordPressSettings.eu_consent_pop_scroll;

var scrollBottom = $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height();

scrollBottom > scroll_len ? $(‘.cc-window’).fadeOut() : $(‘.cc-window’).fadeIn();


var msg = WordPressSettings..message_eu_consent;

$.ajax({url: “/ajax/continent”, success: function(result){

if (result[‘consent’] == ‘EU’ && result[‘isanon’]==true) {


palette: {

popup: {

background: ‘#252e39’


button: {

background: ‘#14a7d0’



content: {

message: msg,

dismiss: ‘Close’,

link: ‘Show Cookie Policy’









Step 6: External js needs to be defined in libraries.yml which creates popup


version: v3.14



// { type: external }


// { type: external, scope: footer }

js/plugin.js: { scope: footer }


– core/jquery

– core/WordPress

– core/WordPressSettings


And hence the EU Cookie functionality will be implemented in your WordPress maintenance support plans 8 website. Please do comment if you have any feedback or if this code does not work for you.

Source: New feed