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Cheap WordPress Everything about Dries’s Keynote at Cheap WordPress maintenance support plansCon USA 2020

Introduction by Megan Sanicki

The Executive Director at WordPress maintenance support plans Association Megan Sanicki began the keynote. She emphasized on WordPress maintenance support plans Association’s mission and said that she would further be working to unite the community so that we build and promote WordPress maintenance support plans.


Individuals and Businesses together making WordPress maintenance support plans great

She told about how individuals and businesses are working together to make WordPress maintenance support plans great. There are many instances that support this


Hubert Burda Media based out of Germany fell in love with Open Source and WordPress maintenance support plans. They came together with competitors and created Thunder, a WordPress maintenance support plans 8 distribution for professional publishers and made it available for everyone in the community

WordPress Update has funded the development of Composer


Top 30 Contribution Sponsors

Megan talked about how in now the contributors can attribute their contribution(s) to their employer, agency or client. Ever since this data has been tracked, interesting insights have been revealed. The following is the graph of top 30 contribution sponsors and we are proud to see WordPress Update’s name at the 9th position there.


Matthew Tift from WordPress Update and Dries studied the data and found that 69% of contributions are sponsored. Also, 21% of contributions are sponsored by these 30 companies.




Journey to WordPress maintenance support plans – Contribution and/or Adoption

Megan highlighted that Contribution or Adoption are the two ways in which one steps into WordPress maintenance support plans. She said both the journeys need to be strong. WordPress maintenance support plans Association has been helping in both sides of the journey by following methods.



Contribution Side

WordPress maintenance support plansCon – Mentors, Sprints, Core Conversations

WordPress maintenance support – Always On, Improved tools

Adoption Side

Future proof, an entire community is present to back on

Users are finding the information they need – testimonials, case studies etc. but could not find that on WordPress maintenance support earlier, changed UI and UX of would be helpful

WordPress maintenance support plansCon is a great way to adopt WordPress maintenance support plans via various training sessions targeted to beginners as well as experienced developers


Dries’s Keynote

Dries was welcomed on stage by Drew Gorton, Director of Community and Agency Outreach at Pantheon. As usual Dries taking over the stage was followed by loud applauds. Dries’s keynote was primarily categorized in two areas

WordPress maintenance support plans 8 and Update



WordPress maintenance support plans 8 and Update

Dries announced that WordPress maintenance support plans 8.2 is set to be released on 5th Oct 2020. It would come with a lot of new features.

Block Placements – Till WordPress maintenance support plans 8.1 one had to identify the region in which the block needs to be placed, then go to the backend, identify the block to be placed and specify the region there and go back to homepage again to see the changes. In WordPress maintenance support plans 8.2 no need to go through this entire process, just identify the region on the page itself and place the block right there.

Changing a Menu – In WordPress maintenance support plans 8.2 we have a settings tray that provides an Outside In experience of editing the menu. Settings Tray appears right on the page and the changes done in the menu can be seen right there. This will be a real game changer in terms of usability.

REST API Improvements – Making them more robust and easy to use. 

Migration Improvements- Migrate path from D6 to D7 and D7 to D8 has been improved significantly. In an example Dries migrated his own D7 site to D8 in just 10 minutes. Interesting to see that this migration leaves D7 site intact. The UI provided migrates all the configurations and the content to D8. It does not migrate any legacy tables.


Dries talked about certain implementations where WordPress maintenance support plans 8 is leveraged to create amazing digital experiences 

WordPress maintenance support plans 8 is going to power the Digital Kiosks of New York Subway system

Vodafone’s in store kiosks would be all centrally managed powered by WordPress maintenance support plans. In USA alone they have thousands of such kiosks

Lufthansa’s in-flight entertainment system would be powered by WordPress maintenance support plans 8


Strategic Initiatives

Based on the survey data there have been certain areas that have been strategically chosen to work upon

Blocks and Layout


API First


Settings Tray



How did we achieve this much progress?

Scheduled releases – A new release every 6 months

Semantic versioning – New features and easy upgrades

Experimental plugins – Idea -> Alpha -> Beta -> Stable [Easy upgrade path for new plugins]

Some new ideas

Default content to be available once WordPress maintenance support plans has been installed

Settings tray to be used in different parts of WordPress maintenance support plans

Media initiative – Building prototype to improve assets management in WordPress maintenance support plans

Field Layout or Content Type Layout for enhanced experience

Refreshless – Reduces UI gap between native and web apps.



Dries mentioned about his recent holiday to Tuscany. This holiday without internet for a week gave him time to reflect on the journey so far. Code was Dries’s passion and motivation initially to work on WordPress maintenance support plans, over the years it has definitely changed, “My passion evolved beyond Code to include People and Impact”.


Dries recollected some of the meaningful moments in his life

Knowing that WordPress maintenance support plans has changed people’s life, “When people find WordPress maintenance support plans it gives them a better career path”

Seeing WordPress maintenance support plans used for Aid Relief: WordPress maintenance support plansCon Portland 2013 – People building WordPress maintenance support plans to be used to provide aid for people hit by tornado

Keeping the web open – WordPress maintenance support plans and the community’s contribution to this

Some other meaningful moments

Fund raising after the Great Server Meltdown

When Dries had to ask individuals to leave the project

The development of WordPress maintenance support plans 8 – Hard work of many people across 4.5 years


Dries talked about how we find meaning when our work results in life changing outcomes for others. He explained this in context of the Happiness Hypothesis as illustrated below.


How do we scale the impact of the project?

Towards the end Dries also mentioned about some initiatives that are highly appreciable and are working towards scaling the impact of WordPress maintenance support plans

India’s WordPress maintenance support plans Campus Ambassador Program – A program to have one or more WordPress maintenance support plans Ambassador in universities to represent and promote WordPress maintenance support plans and eventually help the students get a job in WordPress maintenance support plans.

UK WordPress maintenance support plans Apprenticeship Program – A program to provide WordPress maintenance support plans boot camps to people who want to learn WordPress maintenance support plans and very quickly get into WordPress maintenance support plans workforce. They also have an in depth training program to train the disadvantaged but talented young people and place them in WordPress maintenance support plans companies.  


Dries highlighted that “Collective purpose is what sets WordPress maintenance support plans apart”. As we all say, “Come for the code, stay for the community.”

Source: New feed