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Filter posts by classes ajax is displaying all of the posts

i am attempt to filter posts by an cascade dropdown classes.
However when i choose an choice of the cascade, he displaying all of the posts.
How am i able to filter ONLY posts by way of the chosen choice?

That is my construction:


    perform ajax_filter_posts_scripts() {
  // Enqueue script
  wp_register_script('afp_script', get_template_directory_uri() . '/belongings/js/ajax-filter-posts.js', false, null, false);

  wp_localize_script( 'afp_script', 'afp_vars', array(
        'afp_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'afp_nonce' ), // Create nonce which we later will use to confirm AJAX request
        'afp_ajax_url' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ),
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'ajax_filter_posts_scripts', 100);

// Script for getting posts
perform ajax_filter_get_posts( $taxonomy ) {

  // Confirm nonce
  if( !isset( $_POST['afp_nonce'] ) || !wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['afp_nonce'], 'afp_nonce' ) )
    die('Permission denied');

  $taxonomy = $_POST['taxonomy'];

  // WP Question
    $args = array(
    'exclude' => '1,2,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12',
    'post_type' => 'put up',
    'nopaging' => true, // present all posts in a single go
  echo $taxonomy;
  // If taxonomy just isn't set, take away key from array and get all posts
  if( !$taxonomy ) {
    unset( $args['tag'] );

  $question = new WP_Query( $args );

  if ( $query->have_posts() ) : whereas ( $query->have_posts() ) : $query->the_post(); ?>
      <div class="col-md-4">
        <div class="img-thumb">
            <a href="<?php the_field('link_do_case'); ?>">
                <?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?>      
        <small><?php the_title(); ?></small>

  <?php endwhile; ?>
  <?php else: ?>
    <h2>Case não encontrado</h2>
  <?php endif;


add_action('wp_ajax_filter_posts', 'ajax_filter_get_posts');
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_filter_posts', 'ajax_filter_get_posts');

That is my script

jQuery(doc).prepared(perform(jQuery) {
    jQuery('.post-tags choose').on('change', perform(occasion) {
        // Forestall default motion - opening tag web page
        if (occasion.preventDefault) {
        } else {
            occasion.returnValue = false;

        // Get tag slug from title attirbute
        var selecetd_taxonomy = jQuery(this).attr('title');

        // After person click on on tag, fade out checklist of posts

        knowledge = {
            motion: 'filter_posts', // perform to execute
            afp_nonce: afp_vars.afp_nonce, // wp_nonce
            taxonomy: selecetd_taxonomy, // chosen tag

        jQuery.put up( afp_vars.afp_ajax_url, knowledge, perform(response) {

            if( response ) {
                // Show posts on web page
                jQuery('.tagged-posts').html( response );
                // Restore div visibility

And that is my construction web page

<div id="ajax-cases">
    // WP Question
    $args = array(
    'post_type' => 'put up',
    'exclude' => '1,2,4,5,7,8,9,10,11',
    'post_status' => 'publish',
    'nopaging' => true, // present all posts in a single go
   $question = new WP_Query( $args );
   $tax = 'class';
   $phrases = get_terms( $tax, $args);
   $depend = depend( $phrases );

    if ( $depend > 0 ): ?>
        <div class="post-tags">
            <h2>Busque pelo tipo de Trabalho</h2>
            echo '<choose>';
                foreach ( $phrases as $time period ) {
                    $term_link = get_term_link( $time period, $tax ); 
                    echo '<choice worth="' . $term_link . '" class="tax-filter">' . $term->identify . '</choice> ';

            echo '</choose>';
    <?php endif ;?>
    <div class="tagged-posts">
      // right here should be present the posts chosen trough the class choice