The home automation system is a combination of software and hardware devices which handles home routine such as lights, temperature/humidity (microclimate) and entertainment systems (TV, audio etc.) automatically based on some scenarios. This post is about building such system based on Domoticz server, Xiaomi and Broadlink devices. I’ll try to cover some topics such as system set up and useful scenarios. Agenda:HardwareGatewaySignaling sensorsData provider sensorsControlling sensorsSmart lampsServer and wifi routerSoftwareDomoticzMini DLNAAdding devices to DomoticzGatewayZigBee devicesYeelight Smart bulbsBroadlink RM 3 mini and RM Pro+ remote controlsNaming convention, groups, and scenesNetworkScenariosNetwork devices stateAre you at home?NotificationsMotion activity detectedDoors/windows activity detectedFire detected (high temperature)ZigBee devices batteries level reportRoom occupationMotion triggerWindows and doors triggerRoom presence detectionTVLaptopRoom lockingLightRoom occupation triggerButton triggerMicroclimateAlarm clockRemote access to your DomoticzMonitoringService uptimeContainers stateConclusionRead more »
Source: New feed Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans Developer’s blog: Building a home automation system based on Domoticz, Xiaomi and Broadlink