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Get end result from meta_query() between two numbers

I have worth like :-

    if ( ! empty( $_GET['filter-area'] ) ) {
        $f = $_GET['filter-area'];
        preg_match_all('!d+!', $f, $matches);
        foreach($matches as $key) {
        $first_val = $key[0];
        $second_val = $key[1];

Now i would like to go looking to get all date between this two values.

So, I attempted this fashion, but it surely take one worth.

if ( ! empty( $_GET['filter-area'] ) ) {
    $meta[] = array(
        'key'       => REALIA_PROPERTY_PREFIX . 'attributes_area',
        'worth'     => $first_val,
        'evaluate'   => '>=',
        'sort'      => 'NUMERIC',

How can search by tow worth