Please start by taking a look at this quick video:
The problem: get_next_posts_link()
disappears on page 4. That is, the “go to older posts” link disappears once I am in &paged=4
of my blog. However, I can manually type eg. &paged=5
and I do get the fifth page’s posts (which means, the posts are there, but the get_next_posts_link()
is just not showing up).
- Printing my total posts-number returns the correct amount (33), which tells me that all my posts are being queried properly.
- The posts and blog-pages are working properly (i.e. I can type &paged=5 or 6 or so on), and I do get that specific blog-page with the corresponding posts.
- I have also tried
to no avail.
The current code looks like this:
echo '<ul class="blog-navi">
<li class="blog-navi-prev">'.get_next_posts_link($pagi_older_text, 0).'</li>
<li class="blog-navi-next">'.get_previous_posts_link($pagi_newer_text).'</li>
Thank you!
The posts query
$paged = (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1;
$blogcats = $era_opts['era_opts_blog_thecats'];
if(!isset($era_opts['era_opts_blog_thecats'])) {
$blogcats = '';
} else {
$blogcats = implode(',', $blogcats);
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'post',
'numberposts' => '-1',
'paged' => $paged,
'category' => $blogcats
$era_blog_posts = get_posts($args);
The added pre_get_posts function in functions.php
function era_blog_cats_wpse_103587($qry) {
if ($qry->is_page(122) && is_main_query()) {
$era_opts = get_option('era_theme_panel');
$blogcats = $era_opts['era_opts_blog_thecats'];
if(!empty($era_opts['era_opts_blog_thecats'])) {
$qry->set('category__in', $blogcats);