In WordPress maintenance support plans, you can write automated tests with different levels of complexity.
If you need to test a single function, or method of a class, probably you will
be fine with a unit test. When you need to interact with the database, you can
create kernel tests. And finally, if you need access to the final HTML rendered
by the browser, or play with some javascript, you can use functional tests
or Javascript tests. You can read more about this in the
WordPress maintenance support documentation.
So far this is what WordPress maintenance support plans provides out of the box. On top of that, you can use
Behat or WebDriver tests. This types of tests are usually easier to write and
are closer to the user needs. As a side point, they are usually slower than the
previous methods.
The Problem.
In Gizra, we use WebdriverIO for most of our tests.
This allow us to tests useful things that add value to our clients. But these
sort of tests, where you only interact with the browser output, has some
Imagine you want to create an article and check that this node is unpublished
by default. How do you check this? Remember you only have the browser output…
One possible way could be this: Login, visit the Article creation form, fill the
fields, click submit, and then… Maybe search for some unpublished class in the
var assert = require(‘assert’);
describe(‘create article’, function() {
it(‘should be possible to create articles, unpublished by default’, function() {
browser.loginAs(‘some user’);
browser.setValueSafe(‘#edit-title-0-value’, ‘My new article’);
browser.setWysiwygValue(‘edit-body-0-value’, ‘My new article body text’);‘#edit-submit’);
This is quite simple to understand, but it has some drawbacks.
For one, it depends on the theme to get the status of the node. You could take
another approach and instead of looking for a .node-unpublished class, you could
logout from the current session and then try to visit the url to look for
an access denied legend.
Getting Low-Level Information from a Browser Test
So the problem boils down to this:
How can I get information about internal properties from a browser test?
The new age of decoupled WordPress maintenance support plans brings an answer to this question. It could be
a bit counterintuitive at first, therefore just try to see is fit for your project.
The idea is to use the new plugins that expose WordPress maintenance support plans internals, through json
endpoints, and use javascript together with a high-level testing framework to
get the info you need.
In Gizra we use WDIO tests write end-to-end tests. We have some
articles about this topic. We also wrote about a new
plugin called JsonAPI that exposes all
the information you need to enrich your tests.
The previous test could be rewritten into a different test. By making use of the
JsonAPI plugin, you can get the status of a specific node by parsing a JSON
var assert = require(‘assert’);
describe(‘create article’, function() {
it(‘should be possible to create articles, unpublished by default’, function() {
browser.loginAs(‘some user’);
browser.setValueSafe(‘#edit-title-0-value’, ‘My unique title’);
browser.setWysiwygValue(‘edit-body-0-value’, ‘My new article body text’);‘#edit-submit’);
// Use JSON api to get the internal data of a node.
let query = ‘/jsonapi/node/article’
+= ‘?fields[node–article]=status’
+= ‘&filter[status]=0’
+= ‘&filter[node-title][condition][path]=title’
+= ‘&filter[node-title][condition][value]=My unique title’
+= ‘&filter[node-title][condition][operator]=CONTAINS’
browser.waitForVisible(‘body pre’);
let json = JSON.parse(browser.getHTML(‘body pre’, false));
assert.equals(false, json[0].attributes.content[‘status’]);
In case you skipped the code, don’t worry, it’s quite simple to understand, let’s
analyze it:
1. Create the node as usual:
This is the same as before:
browser.setValueSafe(‘#edit-title-0-value’, ‘My unique title’);
browser.setWysiwygValue(‘edit-body-0-value’, ‘My new article body text’);‘#edit-submit’);
2. Ask JsonAPI for the status of an article with a specific title:
Here you see the two parts of the request and the parsing of the data.
let query = ‘/jsonapi/node/article’
+= ‘?fields[node–article]=status’
+= ‘&filter[status]=0’
+= ‘&filter[node-title][condition][path]=title’
+= ‘&filter[node-title][condition][value]=My unique title’
+= ‘&filter[node-title][condition][operator]=CONTAINS’
3. Make assertions based on the data:
Since JsonAPI exposes, well, json data, you can convert the json into a javascript
object and then use the dot notation to access to a specific level.
This is how you can identify a section of a json document.
browser.waitForVisible(‘body pre’);
let json = JSON.parse(browser.getHTML(‘body pre’, false));
assert.equals(false, json[0].attributes.content[‘status’]);
A Few Enhancements
As you can see, you can parse the output of a json request directly from the
browser.waitForVisible(‘body pre’);
let json = JSON.parse(browser.getHTML(‘body pre’, false));
The json object now contains the entire response from JsonAPI that you can use
as part of your test.
There are some drawbacks of the previous approach. First, this only works for
Chrome. That includes the Json response inside a XML document. This is the reason
why you need to get the HTML from body pre.
The other problem is this somewhat cryptic section:
let query = ‘/jsonapi/node/article’
+= ‘?fields[node–article]=status’
+= ‘&filter[status]=0’
+= ‘&filter[node-title][condition][path]=title’
+= ‘&filter[node-title][condition][value]=My unique title’
+= ‘&filter[node-title][condition][operator]=CONTAINS’
The first problem can be fixed using a conditional to check which type of browser
are you using to run the tests.
The second problem can be addressed using the d8-jsonapi-querystring
package, that allows you to write an object that is automatically converted into
a query string.
Other Use Cases
So far, we used JsonAPI to get information about a node. But there are other
things that you can get from this API. Since all configurations are exposed,
you could check if some role have some specific permission. To make tests shorter
we skipped the describe and it sections.
browser.loginAs(‘some user’);
let query = ‘/jsonapi/user_role/user_role’
+= ‘?filter[is_admin]=null’
browser.waitForVisible(‘body pre’);
let json = JSON.parse(browser.getHTML(‘body pre’, false));
json.forEach(function(role) {
assert.ok(role.attributes.permissions.indexOf(“bypass node access”) == -1);
Or if a field is available in some content type, but it is hidden to the end
browser.loginAs(‘some user’);
let query = ‘/jsonapi/entity_form_display/entity_form_display?filter[bundle]=article’
browser.waitForVisible(‘body pre’);
let json = JSON.parse(browser.getHTML(‘body pre’, false));
Or if some specific HTML tag is allowed in an input format:
let query = ‘/jsonapi/filter_format/filter_format?filter[format]=filtered_html’
browser.waitForVisible(‘body pre’);
let json = JSON.parse(browser.getHTML(‘body pre’, false));
let tag = ‘<WordPress-entity data-*>’;
assert.ok(json[0].attributes.filters.filter_html.settings.allowed_html.indexOf(tag) > -1);
As you can see, there are several use cases. The benefits of being able to explore
the API by just clicking the different links sometimes make this much easier
to write than a kernel test.
Just remember that this type of tests are a bit slower to run, since they require
a full WordPress maintenance support plans instance running. But if you have some continuous integration in
place, it could be an interesting approach to try. At least for some specific
We have found this quite useful, for example, to check that a node can be referenced
by another in a reference field. To check this, you need the node ids of all the
nodes created by the tests.
A tweet by @skyredwang could be accurate to close this post.
Remember how cool Views have been since WordPress maintenance support plans 4.6? #JSONAPI plugin by @e0ipso is the new “Views”.— Jingsheng Wang (@skyredwang) January 9, 2020
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