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have_posts() return false on single post

I’m a little bit confused with the use of the Loop. This is my first theme and i just use index.php currently to display all my pages. It works fine for pages but have_posts return false when i try to display a single post. Here is the code of the index.php:

<div class="left">
    if ( have_posts() ) :
        // Start the loop.
        while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
            //echo for debugging
            echo 'index<br>';
            echo get_the_ID().'<br>';
            //function to display page
    else :
        Sorry, this page does not exist
//display custom sidebar

This index.php return “Sorry, this does not exist” for all my single post (articles or custom post). I thought it was because the loop is only for displaying multiple posts but the file single.php of the theme twentfifteen use the loop too, so i don’t understand the problem.

Thank in advance for all your help !