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Never “Just” a Patch

There’s no such thing as “just a typo.”

In WordPress maintenance support plans, clients and perspective users see the user interface and documentation first. When we give them demos or when they evaluate the WordPress maintenance support plans project, they aren’t just evaluating the code. Grammar, punctuation, readability, and spelling all matter. They give the project credibility. It is just as important to maintain the same high standards with the front facing side of WordPress maintenance support plans as we do with the code.

I have been working with WordPress maintenance support plans for about three years, and contributing back to the project for a little less than two.

I have learned quite a bit, but, most importantly, I have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as “just” a typo, “just” a grammar issue, or “just” a documentation patch; not all patches have to fix code to be important.

Source: New feed