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How can I adjust my function so the page editor still loads in the backend?

I have a live search function which fetches WooCommerce products in realtime.

It works perfectly in the front end, however I notice there is a conflict which blocks my WordPress Editor plugin- Brizy from loading within the CMS.

 function ajax_fetch() {
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function fetch(){
                url: '<?php echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); ?>',
                type: 'post',
                data: { action: 'data_fetch', keyword: jQuery('#keyword').val() },
                success: function(data) {
                    jQuery('#datafetch').html( data );

Therefore I edit the function to allow me to edit pages:

    function ajax_fetch() {
    if ( isset( $_GET[ Brizy_Editor::prefix('-edit-iframe') ] ) || isset( $_GET[ Brizy_Editor::prefix('-edit') ] ) ) {
    <script type="text/javascript">
            url: '<?php echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); ?>',
            type: 'post',
            data: { action: 'data_fetch', keyword: jQuery('#keyword').val() },
            success: function(data) {
                jQuery('#datafetch').html( data );

My update means I can use my page editor, but now my search function doesn’t work.

How can I adjust my code so my search still works correctly and I can load the page editor in the CMS?

Added for context: The second half of my query in functions.php(unchanged in both statements)

    add_action('wp_ajax_data_fetch' , 'data_fetch');
function data_fetch(){

    $the_query = new WP_Query( array( 'posts_per_page' => -1, 's' => esc_attr( $_POST['keyword'] ), 'post_type' => 'product' ) );
    if( $the_query->have_posts() ) : $count = 1; while( $the_query->have_posts() ): $the_query->the_post();

        if ( $count %4 == 1 ) {  
             echo '<div class="row"">';

        global $product;
        $product = get_product( get_the_ID() ); //set the global product object
        $myquery = esc_attr( $_POST['keyword'] );
        $a = $myquery;
        $search = get_the_title();
        if( stripos("/{$search}/", $a) !== false) {?>
            <h4><a href="<?php echo esc_url( post_permalink() ); ?>"><?php the_title();?></a></h4>
            <h4><a href="<?php echo esc_url( post_permalink() ); ?>"><?php the_post_thumbnail();?></a></h4>
            <p><?php echo $product->get_price_html(); ?></p>
if( $text = get_field( 'product_overlay_text', $product->get_id() )  ){
        echo '<p class="prod-overlay prod-overlay-text">' . $text . '</p>';
            <?php woocommerce_template_loop_add_to_cart(); //ouptput the woocommerce loop add to cart button ?>


Front end script

<input type="text" name="keyword" id="keyword" onkeyup="fetch()">

<div id="datafetch">Your numbers will show here</div>

function fetch(){

$.post('<?php echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); ?>',{'action':'my_action'},