How does one set cookies in WordPress without getting the ‘headers not sent’ error? within WP,
I can’t write a cookie that parses a shortcode without getting said error. Please note the snippet below is part of a larger plugin code.
add_shortcode('show_stats', 'settings');
function settings(){
// set a cookie that will expire in 5 minutes (date formats: 'years', 'months', 'days', 'hours', 'minutes')
$counter_cookie = setcookie('kobopulse_site_stats', time(), 5* MINUTE_IN_SECONDS, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN );
$counter_cookie = $_COOKIE['site_stats'];
According to this question here, Searching hook to set cookies before <head> and avoid "headers already sent", hooking to init
does the trick, but within the context of this above and inside a plugin, how do I hook to init
in addition to the add_shortcode function i have already used?